

The Market Place.

By Ivor Hughes

The traveler sat dejectedly behind the market stall and pondered the realities of life. The position of his table in the Market was originally called the dead spot and he had gradually turned it around until it was quite successful .. Mistake Number 1 .. the traveler sighed heavily. Neither did it help to be a stranger in a strange land

He had recently quarreled with another store holder as to his right to that position. .. ‘Nobody wanted the space until I had worked on it’ .. the traveler thought. There was something distasteful in it .. not quite worthy .. about squabbling over money Fairly earnt. His gloomy reverie was broken by a Voice “why so down hearted”? It was The quiet elderly gentleman who serviced the market traders need of packaging materials, and was a regular weekly visitor.

Spontaneously .. the traveler said .. I am quarreling over money with a fellow man .. That seems a civilised way to look at things the packaging merchant said.

Now, do you need packaging this week? Business settled and just before he left .. he pulled a card from his waistcoat pocket and said .. Every Wednesday evening we have a meeting of like minded people please come along. The invitation emanated an Authority.

When the Merchant had left the traveler found himself having to revaluate what had passed .. What it seemed like in his head was that the packaging merchant had suddenly thrown open a curtain behind which he stood concealed. A most odd experience he mused. But he liked what he felt.

The meeting was a success. the traveler was most impressed at the Philosophy espoused. They were of the ‘Bahai faith’ and not at all pushy, it rang a few bells for him.

Two days later shortly before noon, he was approached in the Market by a lady who he recognised as having attended the meeting two evenings before .. She said .. I am sorry to say that the Guide passed away in his sleep last evening .. please pay your respects .. he is laid out at his home and the Funeral is on Saturday.

The traveler had always been a seeker, that is why he was a traveler. He had not yet realised that he could also find what he sought by sitting still Oh many were the Churches and the faiths he had looked at .. Some of the Faiths claimed divine dispensation .. but seek as he might, the traveler never was able to find the signed contract. Whilst for most of the others it was a sort of seeking for Divine dispensation.

The Guide lay stretched out on the bed, dark business suit, waistcoat in the old style. hands across his heart. His flowing white hair, trim moustache and smooth skin, was the epitome of peaceful repose. Even in Death the tranquility and joy that poured from him was immediately sensed. An evolved Spiritual Being showers blessings on those who are open to it. The traveler realised that he had been honored and gently touched the guides feet, then his own forehead. This is a Hindu tradition and signifies recognition and honour of an evolved spiritual being.

Ivor Hughes.
Dedicated to Rosalind.
Auckland New Zealand
21 April 2006.

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