

Root, Flower and Fruit.
By Ivor Hughes.

The root of any injustice and the resulting conflict is to be found in thecompost of history. The tree and its flowers are now in full view for all tosee. Both tree and flower exuding the most virulent toxin that man can produce.. and its dripping all over us. Should we eat the fruit?

It seems such a distance .. the road I walked. But a mental snapshot of anembroidered wall hanging .. is still bright in my minds eye. It had been craftedby a devout Welsh lady. Christian Welsh Chapel .. dour and stern .. The 10commandments were sufficient .. the words of Jesus Christ the blessing.

The words embroidered upon it, and in beautiful English script .. the overallimpression was like a page from the Book of Kells ..

Man Proposes. God Disposes.

A man goes to war for many reasons .. all of them futile. I was once told byan old Welsh Crone .. It is Gods will .. that the Earth become a Garden .. Ibelieve that on a very deep level .. but the killing goes on until Mankindlearns the lesson of his History.

It is often said that it is the Victor who writes that History .. that isonly partially true .. there are always two sides in any conflict .. I am mindedof Arjunas cry upon the battle field to his beloved Teacher. ( Chapter One ofthe Bhagavad Gita )

“Thus sadly won! Ah! What victory can bring delight, Govinda! what richspoils could profit .. what rule recompense .. what span of life itself seemsweet .. bought with such blood?

Seeing that these stand here, ready to die .. for whose sake life was fair ..and pleasure pleased .. and power grew precious .. Grandsires, Sires, and Sons,Brothers, and Fathers-in-law, and Sons-in-law, Elders and Friends! Shall I dealdeath on these even though they seek to slay us?

Not one blow, will I strike to gain the rule of all Three Worlds; then, howmuch less to seize an earthly kingdom! Killing these must breed but anguish,Krishna! If they be guilty, we shall grow guilty by their deaths; Their sinswill light on us, if we shall slay those sons of Dhritirashtra, and our kin;What peace could come of that, O Madhava? For if indeed, blinded by lust andwrath, These cannot see, or will not see, the sin of kingly lines overthrown andkinsmen slain, how should not we, who see, shun such a crime?”

The complete text may be found here

One thing is for certain .. ‘By their fruits Ye shall know them’ .. Andby contemplating the fruit one may see and know .. What has been .. and what isto come .. this is not prophecy .. it is a law of Nature .. Human Nature .. Ibeg of you .. don’t eat the fruit .. lest you become intoxicated by the rootsof injustice .. One thing more .. it is also said .. those that the Gods woulddestroy .. they first make Mad. 

 Today we may see the madness .. and thevenom dripping from their fangs .. Heavy tanks, long range guns and fighter bombers rainingdeath and fire upon the innocent .. they steal the land of others .. rape thewomen .. sodomise the children .. kill the men .. Upon them is the mark of theBeast ..  It is by their fruits ye shall know them .. Who, and  what they really are ..  


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