


Common Name

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Tansy Ragwort, Life root, Ragwort, False valerian, Golden senecio, Squaw weed, Female regulator Sencio aureus, Linn Click the thumbnail for a full monograph  
Tea Tree Oils Tea Tree Oils Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Tobacco Nicotians Tabacum L. Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Trillium (Beth Root) Trillium  grandiflorum Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Tumeric Curcuma Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Vanilla Vanilla vanill. Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Violet; (1) Blue violet, Bird’s-foot violet; (2) Sweet violet, Sweet-scented violet Viola pedata L Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Watercress Nasturtium Officinale Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Water Lily Nymphaea sulphurea. Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Wild Blackberry Rubus canadensis, Linn Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Wild Rose Rosa canina, Linn Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Wild  Strawberry Fragaria vesca, Linn. Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Willow Sp. Salix Sp. Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Willow Herb Epilobium
angustifolium L
Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Wormwood Artemisia absinthium L Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Yarrow Achillea Millefolium Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Yellow Sweet Clover Melilotus Off. L Click the thumbnail for a full monograph
Yucca Yucca filamentosa, Linn Click the thumbnail for a full monograph