

The Pharmageddon Dynasty

A Comedy of Infinite Parts

Cui Bono ?

The Comfrey Scandal

By Ivor Hughes

The Emperors New Set of Clothes, by Hans Christian Anderson is a charming European folk tale for children and adults. It is a story about cupidity and stupidity.

I have just written a new one; It is called ‘Comfrey and Humphrey’. Humphrey is the high ranking minister from the British television farce ‘Yes Minister’ whilst Comfrey is the pharmaceutically abused ‘Symphytum officinal’, also known as Comfrey, who after thousands of years of service to mankind was framed by the authorities on a trumped up charge, of ‘Assault on the Liver’.

The jury comprised of 12 Ph D,s appointed by Pharmageddon Pharmaceuticals, (The worlds leading supplier of ‘Ethicals’) had gathered at the Athenaeum Club to lunch and to receive a pre-trial briefing by the Trial Judge Lord R.U.A. Bad Egg, KC VD and Scar. ROCMB (known affectionately by his cronies and rigged juries as ‘Roger the Beak)

“Harrumph ! ” Bad Egg cleared his throat and commenced, “Never in the field of human conflict” here he paused, realising that he was reading from the wrong script .. He began again, “Ok you herd of porkers, lift your snouts from the trough. “I trust you have all received your thirty pieces of silver” ?

On assent, Bad Egg continued, “Tomorrow we will strike a telling blow for Scientific, Academic and Corporate freedom, The First Armoured Battalion ‘The Royal Establishment’ have surrounded the Old Bailey with a bristling ring of steel, their orders are, to shoot to kill dissenters, furthermore, England expects that every man will do his duty” Or Else!! Thundered Bad Egg. A subdued whimpering arose from around the table.

Bad Egg continued, “I understand that the evidence is Shonky, not that I can understand a word that you bunch of blithering idiots say, so I cannot say whether it is Shonky or not. However we have all been well paid to ensure justice is done. The only acceptable verdict for the 1st Armored Battalion The Royal Establishment, is ‘Guilty’ .. Bad Egg blared .. Do you understand ?”

As a man the jury stood, and raising their arms in the Fascist salute broke into a rousing rendition of ‘Red Star uber alles’ swiftly followed by the ‘Rockefeller – Rothschild Polka’, Whilst human decency danced in its grave. Bad Egg popped another antacid laxative combo and rinsed it down with a snifter of brandy, and muttered “Blithering idiots”.

As Comfrey was led away to the dungeons beneath the Old Bailey he cried out “CUI BONO?” but it was drowned out in the hysterical applause from all the little Cui Bono,s who packed the well of the court room.

(Shonky is an Oceanic colloquialism widely used in Britain, which means ‘of dubious integrity or honesty’)

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most pick themselves up and hurry off.
as though nothing had happened

Winston Churchill

The Scientific case against Comfrey appears to be based upon some very cleverly massaged statistical analysis. This original hatchet job was quickly, and unquestioned, taken up by the establishment who unleashed a blizzard of similar studies that went around and round in circles, each new study cited the one before it. This occurred because the pharmaceutical companies fed green backs to the pigeons. When looking at the available evidence we must understand that there are some very serious conflicts of interest at work.

I will give you a clue …. 1Kg of dried Comfrey root approximates 3 Kg of fresh. 1 Kg of dried Comfrey leaves approximates 4 Kg of fresh. One cup of Comfrey herb tea approximates (Dry leaf 1.5 g) of Symphytine, 38 µg..

In addition these Scientists had been using the isolated alkaloids freed from the parent material, this is dishonest. It is dishonest, because the isolated alkaloids and glucosides behave in a very different fashion to the same alkaloids within its parent body. I refer of course to the synergistic effect. I also hear that they were using acetone (Dry Cleaning Fluid) to extract the so called (not proven) active principle, and of course as they all know, it is a chemical impossibility to remove all traces of the acetone without destroying the extract. Purity is only relative.

Now given the shonky science that has surrounded the ‘Comfrey Scandal’ the very first question that should be asked is ‘Cui Bono’? (Who profits) Forget all of the tiresome bleating about the safety and efficacy of crude herbal drugs, because that is not what it is all about.

What it is all about, is who controls the market. ? Cui Bono ?, meaning who profits ? Well one thing is for sure, if the W.H.O. is successful .. it will not be the indigenous peoples. Once again the people will have been robbed and the last resort of health care taken from them. They cannot afford the pharmaceutical companies offerings. Neither will they be able to afford the stolen Pharmaceutical herbs which was once their heritage.

To sin by silence, when they should protest makes cowards out of men.

Abraham Lincoln


Ivor Hughes
Dedicated to Luke.
Auckland New Zealand
21 April 2006.

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