


Urinary Antiseptics.

Martindale’s 24th Part 2
Compiled and Edited by Ivor Hughes.


Scoparium (or Broom) and Couch-grass.

Buchu (B.P.C.). Buchu Leaves; Bucco; Folia Bucco.


1 to 2 g. ( 15 to 30 grains).
The dried leaves of ‘short’ or ’round’ buchu, Barosma betulina (=Agath-osma betulina) (Rutacete) containing not less than 1.8% v/w of volatile oil.


Powdered Buchu (B.P.C.) contains not less than 1.3% v/w of volatile oil. Protect from light in a cool dry place. Foreign Pharmacopoeias: In Cz., Egyp., and Fr. Also in U.S.N.F. Cz., Fr. and U.S.N.F. allow also ‘oval’ buchu, B. crenulata and ‘long’ buchu, B. serratifolia.

Uses. A weak diuretic and antiseptic which has been used in infections of the urinary tract. It is usually administered as an infusion, often with other diuretics.

Buchu Fluidextract (U.S.N.F.).
An alcoholic percolate (1 in 1).

Usual dose: 2 ml. (30 minims).

Buchu, Juniper and Potassium Acetate Elixir (U.S.N.F.).
An alcoholic percolate of buchu 15% and juniper 7.5%, with compound orange spirit 1%, potassium acetate 5%, and sucrose 22.5%.

Usual dose: 4 ml. (60 minims).

Concentrated Infusion of Buchu (B.P.C.). Inf. Buchu Cone.
Buchu 1 in 2%; prepared by percolation with alcohol (25%).

Dose: 4 to 8 ml. (60 to 120 minims). Infusion of Buchu is prepared by diluting 1 volume of this concentrated infusion to 8 volumes with water.

Inf. Buchu Rec. (B.P.C. 1949). Fresh Infusion of Buchu.
Buchu 5 g., boiling water 100 g. Infuse in a covered vessel for 15 minutes and strain.

Dose: 30 to 60 ml. (1 to 2 fl. oz.).

Mist. Buchu Co. (Cape Hosp.).
Potassium nitrate 5 gr., potassium acetate 20 gr., spirit of nitrous ether 20 m., fresh infusion of buchu to ? fl. oz.

Mist. Buchu Co. (Chelsea Hosp, for Women).
Potassium citrate 30 gr., potassium bicarbonate 15 gr., tincture of hyoscyamus 20 m., infusion of buchu to 1 fl. oz.

Mist. Buchu et Hyosc. (N.F. 1939).
Concentrated infusion of buchu 15 m., potassium bicarbonate 15 gr., liquid extract of hyoscyamus 2? rn., chloroform water to ? fl. oz.

Dose: 15 ml. ( ? fl oz.).

Tinct. Buchu (B.P.C. 1949). Tincture of Buchu.
Prepared by percolating buchu 1 in 5 with alcohol (60%).

Dose: 2 to 4 ml. (30 to 60 minims).


Couch-grass (B.P.C. 1934). Agropyrum;
Scutch; Twitch; Triticum; Graminis Rhizoma; Chiendent Officinal.
Foreign Pharmacopoeias: In Belg., Fr. Hung., Pol., and Swiss.

The rhizome of Agropyron repens (—Triticum repens) (Gramineae). It contains glucose, mannitol, inositol, and triticin (a carbohydrate resembling inulin). 

Uses, It is a mild diuretic which has been used in the treatment of infections of the urinary tract. It is usually employed as a decoction (1 in 20; dose: 15 to 60 ml.) or as a liquid extract (1 in 1; dose: 4 to 8 ml.).

Scoparium (B.P.C. 1949). Scopar.; Broom Tops;
Scoparii Cacumina; Planta Genista; Genet a Balais (Fr. P.).

The dried tops of broom, Sarothamnus scoparius ( = Cytisus scoparius) (Leguminosae) containing not less than 12% of alcohol (20%)-soluble extractive.


Scoparium is a mild diuretic. It is administered as a decoction or infusion; these preparations are also employed as vehicles for other diuretics.

Dec. Scopar. (B.P.C. 1949). Decoction of Scoparium (or Broom).
Scoparium 5 g., water to 100 ml. Boil for 10 minutes in a covered vessel, strain, cool, and adjust to volume. It should be freshly prepared.

Dose: 60 to 120 ml. (2 to 4 fl. oz.).


Dec. Scopar. Conc. (B.P.C. 1949). Concentrated Decoction of Scoparium (or Broom).
Scoparium 40 g., alcohol (90%) 25 ml., water to 100 ml. Exhaust the scoparium by boiling for 20 minutes with successive portions of water (200 ml.) and evaporate the mixed liquids to 75 ml.; allow to cool, add the alcohol, and adjust to volume with water; allow to stand at least 14 days and filter. It is eight times as strong as the fresh decoction.

Dose: 8 to 15 ml. (? to ? fl. 02.).

Inf. Scopar. Cone. (B.P.C. 1949). Concentrated Infusion of Scoparium (or Broom).
1 in 1.25; prepared by percolation with alcohol (25%). It is eight times as strong as the fresh infusion.

Dose: 4 to 8 ml. (60 to 120 minims).

Inf. Scopar. Rec. (B.P.C. 1949). Fresh Infusion of Scoparium (or Broom).
Scoparium 10 g. and boiling water 100 g., infused in a covered vessel for 15 minutes and filtered.

Dose: 30 to 60 ml. (1 to 2 fl. oz.).

Part 1 
