Greetings Damiana – get your swag bagpacked for the 2nd year of the journey. We are off when you are ready.
I had many major sticking points as I tried tounderstand more about the herbs, those things that science could not teach me Each and every herb, culinary or medicinal has a profound stimulatoryeffect, (Up or down) and this on quite different organ systems which are of agreater mass than they. It was just as the great Paracelsus had said ;
“There is more power in a singleherb, than that of all the folios
that are read in High College, and which are not fated to live long”.
These powerful effects are not random, and moreover they affect different people in different ways, although there is one premierusage e.g. Diuretic or Cardiac etc., with the correct dose for type the effectis Universal. Many different tribes and Nations of Europe would use the sameherb for different purposes and some times for the same purpose, thisbecause they were genetically different peoples but with different levels ofintergrated blood lines. Tribes are bonded by blood line. Natures sublimegenetics! Paracelsus had understood that when he said;’I write for Europe and do not know if Asia and Africa may profit from them’.What fumbling children we are with our science. Remember the old Alchemicalaphorism. ‘As above, so below’.Hierachys of order of complexity from micro-organisms to Galaxies. Each of whichtakes a different time to complete its life cycle. So in a way it would be fairto say … ‘Consciousness in other dimensions’. To call it chance is theultimate denial. A darkeness of the mind which when coupled to an ideology ofhubris and superiority, it has evil consequence such as the proliferationof war and the consequent bestiality as mankind debases itself.
Then to this puzzle of biological idiosyncrasy we addthe self evident fact, of that self same quality in the herb, and that the herbwould differ in its composition, and this according to not only to the sky abovebut also on the qualities of the moisture of which It sustained its life,obviously the composition of the soil is a major factor. The herbs coloniseareas of soil and mingle with other families of plants with which they can formsymbiotic (help one another) relationships. As you may envisage therelationships are many. literally a web of life within which the herbs and weincluded live .. albeit on very different time scales for example the annualherb is born, it grows, then flowers, seeds and dies (but lives in its seed) allthis in a short season. Historically we take 70 full seasons to do precisely thesame thing.
The plant roots extracts its food minerals from thesurrounding soil, Ground moisture acts as a solvent and will take on thequalities of the soil of which it is part. So the plant literally drinksthe minerals. A lukewarm, water infusion of soil (maximum of 35C). Whichwith its teeming life forms is a wonder in itself. This life then becomes partof the plant. And when you consume the plant … then also by transmutivealchemy the plant becomes part of you. Life eats life … to preserve goodhealth. eat the bulk of your diet as low down the raw food chain asposssible.
If we look to the aerial parts, stalk,leaf and flower. What astounding synergy, a miracle of order on a phenomenalscale. The plant scientists have produced some fascinating insight into the lifeof a plant. At this point of our knowledge, that is how it will remain,just small insights, of which, I am sure, if ‘Vitalism’ were added to the equation, then many perplexingthings would made clear. Such order must be the function of something farhigher. Dr Rudolph Steiner, famously said; ‘Thelaboratory table must once again become an altar’.He knew that the intellect divorced from its heart is only a Cyclops, and absentof any show of humility to the higher order of Nature of which we are a part. Wemust nuture our sureness of the sacred view of the little known Universe .. inthat way the roots of the folk tradition remain firmly embedded in our commonmothers breast.
If we look to the aerial parts, stalk,leaf and flower. What astounding synergy, a miracle of order on a phenomenalscale. The plant scientists have produced some fascinating insight into the lifeof a plant. At this point of our knowledge, that is how it will remain,just small insights, of which, I am sure, if ‘Vitalism’ were added to the equation, then many perplexingthings would made clear. Such order must be the function of something farhigher. Dr Rudolph Steiner, famously said; ‘Thelaboratory table must once again become an altar’.He knew that the intellect divorced from its heart is only a Cyclops, and absentof any show of humility to the higher order of Nature of which we are a part. Wemust nuture our sureness of the sacred view of the little known Universe .. inthat way the roots of the folk tradition remain firmly embedded in our commonmothers breast.