
Healing_Dietary_ Harry_Benjamin_ND



By Harry Benjamin N.D.
Compiled by Ivor Hughes.


When undertaking a short fast, the procedure should be as follows. When you rise in the morning, you should take no food. All you may have is the juice of an orange (in a glass of warm water if preferred) every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. NOTHING ELSE WHATEVER may be taken, otherwise you might just as well continue with your ordinary food, as the value of the fast will be lost entirely. If orange juice disagrees, take water only or vegetable juices.

EACH DAY WHILE FASTING you should see that the bowels are cleansed of the effete and poisonous matter thrown off by the self-cleansing process now being set up by the body. This is MOST IMPORTANT, for, if omitted, the body will reabsorb the poisons, and your fast will have been more or less in vain. A gravity douche is the best appliance to use.

Symptoms which may arise during fasting, but need cause no alarm.
Slight Fever. If this makes itself felt, a little warm water may be drunk.
Dizziness, headache, faintness, insomnia, palpitation. If any of these symptoms appear, they will pass off as the fast progresses, and undue importance need not be attached to any of them.
Coated tongue and bad taste. Both these are very common symptoms, and are indications that the work of cleansing the tissues of accumulated toxins is progressing.


When you break your fast after three or four days, you should take milk (fresh, unboiled) only for a whole day, sipping slowly a half-pint at two-hourly intervals during the day. The next day you should have the following food at five-hourly intervals :

Breakfast. Juice of two oranges, grapes, and an apple (well masticated).
Midday. Salad of lettuce, watercress, tomatoes, mustard and cress, grated raw carrot (dress with olive oil and lemon juice). Wholemeal toast (cold) and butter. A pear or an apple.
Evening Meal. Steamed cabbage (or brussels sprouts, spring greens, savoy, etc.) and carrots, with stewed prunes, figs, or raisins as a second course.

After these two days you should take food in accordance with the suggestions contained in the treatment for your case in the practical section of the present book If you have been advised to go on a fruit diet after the fast, the day on milk and day on special diet should be omitted.

SPECIAL NOTE. To break an extended fast, the reader is referred to the treatment of fevers.

THE ALL FRUIT DIET. When on the all-fruit diet you should have three meals a day of fresh, juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, grape-fruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches, melon (or any other juicy fruit in season), but no bananas or dried, stewed, or tinned fruit, AND NO OTHER FOODSTUFF WHATEVER.

For drinks, lemon water unsweetened or water either hot or cold may be taken, nothing else. If any food, such as bread, is taken with the fruit meals, the whole value of the treatment will be lost. If losing much weight on the all-fruit diet, those already underweight may add a glass of milk to each fruit meal.

SPECIAL NOTE. See that all fruit is quite ripe before eating; unripe or sour fruit is no good at all.


For the fruit and milk diet the meals are exactly the same as for the all-fruit diet, but with milk added to each fruit meal. You begin with two pints the first day, and increase by half a pint daily up to four, five, or even six pints a day, according to how the milk agrees (or else in accordance with the special recommendations made in the treatment for your case). The milk should be fresh and unboiled, but may be slightly warmed if desired. It should be sipped very slowly, and may be taken between meals as well as at meal-time as required. It should be unpasteurised if possible.


The following diet, when the restricted diet is indicated in the treatment for your case, should be followed out for a period up to fourteen days :

Morning. Oranges, or orange and lemon juice, or grape-fruit. (Never use sugar for grape-fruit.)
Midday. Salad (raw), composed of any of the vegetables in season, attractively prepared. Dressing should consist of olive oil and lemon juice, never vinegar. Dessert. raisins, prunes (soaked), figs, or dates.
Evening. Raw salad, or one or two vegetables steamed in their own juices, such as spinach, cabbage, carrots, turnips, cauliflower, etc. Finish the evening meal with a few nuts or some sweet fruit such as apples, pears, plums, or cherries.

NOTE. If bread or potatoes or other starchy food is taken, the effect of the diet will be lost. Nothing should be added to the above list if good results are desired. No drinks other than water should be taken.

With regard to quantity, let your hunger be your guide.


When you begin on the full milk diet you have a glass of milk every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. the first day, a glass of milk every two hours during the day. Hour and a half the next, and a glass every hour the third day. Then the quantity of milk can be gradually increased until you are taking a glass every half-hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., if such a quantity can be tolerated fairly comfortably. The milk should be fresh and unboiled, but may be slightly warmed in cold weather if desired. It should be sipped very slowly (through a straw is best). It is not desirable to have the milk too creamy ; some of the top cream should be skimmed off when the milk taken daily exceeds four pints. Milk should be unpasteurised if possible. If constipation is very pronounced when on the full milk diet, , up to a dozen dates or prunes may be eaten during the day to help on bowel action. In any case, drinks of fruit juices may be taken at intervals during the day, between the milk drinks. When coming off the milk diet on to ordinary diet, the procedure should be as follows :

Have milk as usual up to 3 p.m., then have nothing up to 7 p.m., when a salad meal should be taken. Do the same the next day, and on the third day you may go straight on with the next diet as prescribed for you in the treatment for your case.

If organic milk is not available, the best substitute for the milk diet is ” Slippery Elm Food,” a drink of which, unmalted, can be taken with fresh or dried milk and water


First Day.
. Juice of two oranges, grapes, and an apple.
Lunch. Salad of lettuce, watercress, tomato, grated carrot and beetroot. Wholemeal toast (cold) and butter. A few raisins or dates.
Evening Meal. Poached egg on steamed spinach, steamed carrots and celery. Baked apple.

Second Day
Soaked raisins, an orange. Glass of milk.
Lunch. Raw vegetable salad made from as many salad vegetables as desired. Cottage cheese. Wholemeal bread and butter.
Evening Meal. Steamed fish, any two steamed vegetables. Soaked dried fruit.

Third Day
Fresh fruit salad. Glass of milk.
Lunch. Lettuce, celery, banana, and date salad. Wholemeal bread and butter.
Evening Meal. Lamb or mutton chop, or nut cutlets, with steamed cabbage, marrow, onion, or leeks. Stewed fruit.

Fourth Day
One raw juicy fruit in season, one sweet dried fruit.
Lunch. Poached egg on spinach, baked potato in jacket, steamed greens. Baked apple.
Evening Meal. Puree of vegetables. Salad of as many salad vegetables as desired, with wholemeal bread and butter.

Fifth Day
An apple, a few soaked prunes, a glass of milk.
Lunch. Salad of lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, and grated carrot, chopped dates and seedless raisins. Wholemeal toast (cold) and butter. A pear or some grapes.
Evening Meal. Buttered cauliflower, steamed carrots, baked potato in skin. Grated nuts, or grated cheese. Baked apple.

Sixth Day
Half a grape-fruit, grapes, an apple.
Lunch. Raw vegetable salad, cottage cheese, wholemeal bread and butter. A few raisins, dates, or black figs.
Evening Meal. Chicken, two or three steamed vegetables. Fruit.

Seventh Day
. An orange, a few dates, a glass of milk.
Lunch. Lettuce, cabbage, celery, and grated beetroot salad Wholemeal toast (cold) and butter. Ripe mashed banana.
Evening Meal. Nut cutlets (or poached egg), steamed onions, marrow, leeks, turnips, or carrots. Fresh fruit salad.

NOTES ON THE FOREGOING DIET CHART. The midday and evening meals on any day may be reversed as desired, but it is not permissible to take the lunch for one day and the evening meal for another. Any vegetable mentioned on the diet-chart which is not in season may be substituted by any other suitable which is in season. Where chicken is mentioned, those who cannot afford it may have rabbit or lamb in its place.

All salads should have a dressing of either olive oil or lemon juice, or both. If both should happen to disagree, have nothing at all on the salad. Never use manufactured ” salad creams,” salad dressings, seasonings, sauces, etc. Use no vinegar either. Such things are very bad indeed, and completely spoil the value of a salad. Fruit should always be as ripe as possible; no sour, unripe fruit should ever be eaten. Milk, where mentioned, should always be fresh and unboiled, but may be slightly warmed in cold weather if desired.

Those under thirty (and those underweight) may have a glass of milk every morning with the fruit breakfast, if desired ; those over fifty (and those overweight) should have nothing but fresh fruit for breakfast (no dried fruit or milk at all), unless they are doing hard manual work. If milk disagrees in any particular case, it should be left out entirely from the dietary.”}

In the colder months a little vegetable soup, made by simmering fresh vegetables, may be taken occasionally before either the midday or evening meal. Never use potatoes, beans, peas, or lentils for this, and always cut the vegetables up very fine. It is advisable to take the soup from a quarter to half an hour before the meal, as liquid taken with meals tends to weaken the digestive juices.

Those who would like to have no cooked food at all, and they will derive great advantage by so doing, may substitute salad for cooked vegetables where mentioned on the chart, and either egg or cheese or nuts for meat, fish, etc.

Vegetarians should substitute either egg or cheese or nuts for flesh foods where mentioned on the diet chart.

Where stewed fruit is mentioned, this should always be stewed with either honey or Demerara sugar, (Raw Sugar) never white sugar. Never use rhubarb or sour unripe fruit for stewing purposes, always use ripe fruit.

Those who are following the diet chart for purposes of cure should add nothing whatsoever to it; those, however, who are merely following the diet chart with the intention of increasing all-round general fitness, may add a little cream or egg-and-milk custard to the dessert course of the midday or evening meal three or four times weekly, if desired.

For winter salads, cabbage, sprouts, carrots, beetroot, turnip, etc., may b« used. All ingredients should be finely shredded or grated. Those doing hard manual work may have dried fruit with the breakfast meal every morning, if desired; also milk.


Drinking with meals should always be avoided, as it has a harmful effect upon the digestive processes because of the dilution of the gastric juices which takes place.

Always drink at least half an hour before a meal or about three hours after. A glass of hot water or fruit juices diluted with water, on rising or before retiring, will be found very helpful in cleansing the body of waste matter and toxins, and would be especially beneficial in conjunction with the natural treatment you are now undergoing. The best drinks are water (either hot or cold) and fruit juices (with or without water).

Milk is not a drink, but a food, and is best taken in conjunction with fruit. Strong tea and coffee should be carefully avoided, as both these drinks have a bad effect upon the digestive and nervous system, also on the kidneys and heart. A cup of weak China tea, without sugar, may be taken during the afternoon, however, by those who desire it. This will do no harm at all. No food should be taken with the drink, though. For sweetening a drink of hot water and lemon juice, the best thing is honey. The desire for excessive drinking should always be regarded as a sign of disturbance of function of a diseased condition. Never drink because you think you ought to, but when you really want to do so. On a diet such as is being prescribed for you, very little drinking will be found necessary, as most of the food is already in a diluted condition, for all natural, uncooked foods contain a large percentage of water in their composition.

N.B. The other aspects of Classical Naturopathy, such as sitz baths, enemas and hot and cold packs etc may be located by using the site search box at the top right hand of the page. Alternatively one may peruse the articles in the self help section of the site library.

