
By Harry Benjamin N.D.
Compiled by Ivor Hughes


Blepharitis � Cataract � Choroiditis � Conjunctivitis � Glaucoma � Iritis � Keratitis�Retinitis �Styes � Trachoma � Ulcers of the Cornea.

Perhaps the most important attribute of the whole human organism is that of vision. Without the ability to see, man would indeed be lost. We all know that the eyes are the special organs concerned in seeing and making the external world cognizable to us, yet it would tax the mental powers of the greatest scientist to tell us exactly how this phenomenon which we call " seeing " is actually brought about.

We know that the lens at the front of the eye throws the impressions of the external world on to the retina at the back of the eye, and that these impressions are in turn carried by the optic nerve to the brain. But just in what way these sense-impressions are transformed into sight itself is a complete mystery which no one has yet succeeded in unraveling.

However, this is neither the time nor the place for reflections upon the mysteries of sight; what we are here concerned with is a description of the diseases which affect the eyes, and how they may be cured. Many people do not realise that diseases of the eyes and defective vision are not one and the same thing, but two entirely different categories of diseases, yet such is indeed the case. Diseases of the eyes occur as the outcome of pathological changes in the various eye-structures, resulting from disturbances of function both in the eye itself as well as in other parts of the body ; defective vision is the result not of such pathological changes, but of a disability of the eye as a whole to accommodate itself to the instinctive physiological act of seeing. Short-sight, long-sight, etc., are defects of vision ; cataract, glaucoma, iritis, etc., are diseases of the eye.

Obviously many diseases of the eye interfere with the processes of vision, and indeed sometimes succeed in preventing sight altogether. But that is only by the way, as it were. Primarily they are not to be classed with those conditions through which the eye is prevented from focusing for near and distant objects, and which give rise to what we call true defective vision. In my book Better Sight without Glasses I have gone into the whole subject of defective vision, and shown how it is really caused, and how it may often be overcome by simple natural methods of treatment.

The defects there dealt with are : short sight (myopia) ; long-sight (hypermetropia) ; old-sight (presbyopia) ; astigmatism ; squint (strabismus) ; and cataract. Cataract, being really a disease of the eyes and not a defect of vision, will be dealt with again in the present section ; but those who wish for advice for the correction of the visual defects just mentioned are referred to the book in question for treatment. In any case, all those wearing glasses are advised to read what the book has to say with regard to the harmfulness of the present-day craze for spectacle-wearing, and of how impossible it is for people wearing glasses to regain normal sight whilst still wearing them.

A person with ordinary normal health may develop defective vision, because the root cause of this defect is mental strain; but for diseases of the eyes to develop there must be something definitely wrong with the physical organism. We must never forget that the eye is part of the body, and as such must share in any deficiency or disturbance of function affecting the whole organism; and, indeed, if we are going to put our finger on the causes of eye diseases, this is the most important fact of all. We do not have to look to the eye itself for the causes of eye diseases, but to the body as a whole, of which it forms part!

Medical scientists, in their usual short-sighted way, generally seem to think that because a disease affects the eye, therefore its cause can be found in something which has only to do with the eye itself, such as local irritation, prolonged eye-strain, etc. Such factors certainly play their part in producing diseases of the eyes, but they are only of secondary importance. Of infinitely more importance to the origin of eye diseases is the general bodily condition of the individual sufferer from these diseases and his past medical history.

It can be taken as axiomatic that no person who is in really good health can develop diseases of the eyes such as conjunctivitis, cataract, etc. A lowered vitality and a poisoned blood-stream due to wrong feeding and wrong living generally are always at the root of the trouble. Medical Science ignores these underlying factors; that is why its treatment for eye diseases is so unsatisfactory. Constitutional treatment, and constitutional treatment only, can get rid of these diseases in a sane and satisfactory manner, leaving the sufferer in far better health than before, because of the thorough cleansing his system will have received as a result of the treatment.

Once the sufferer from eye disease can be made to realise that he must look to the state of his whole body for the cause of his eye trouble, then he is already half-way towards a successful cure. It is only ignorance of this vital truth which prevents him understanding his trouble and being able to grapple with it successfully. The attitude of orthodox Medical Science towards all eye diseases is such as to mask the origin of such diseases more or less completely from the view of the unfortunate sufferer, who, thus deluded and misled, allows himself to have all sorts of treatments performed upon him, which, if he knew the true facts of the matter, he would never dream of allowing at all. In common with its attitude to other diseases, the medical treatment for eye diseases is entirely suppressive and unnatural, and arises out of a complete inability to understand the primary causes concerned in the development of the conditions under treatment.

The most prominent of all eye diseases is cataract, and the medical treatment for this by operation is just as suppressive in character as any operation performed on any other part of the body. It is merely the effects of the trouble which are dealt with, not the causes at all. The constitutional condition of the sufferer, which is the key to the disease in the first place, is ignored entirely by such treatment, and indeed aggravated.

Nothing could show more clearly the truth of the Nature-Cure contention that the body is a unity and in disease must be treated as such than the gratifying successes achieved in the natural treatment for eye diseases, such treatment being directed almost exclusively towards the cleansing of the body as a whole, although, naturally, a certain amount of local treatment to the eye itself is required too.

Blepharitis. This is a condition in which there is inflammation of the glands at the border of the eyelids, this latter trouble being also present in Styes. The appearance of eyelids which are the seat of Blepharitis are characteristic. They are red and swollen at the border, and yellowish crusts are constantly forming upon them, which rasp against the eyes and cause discomfort. In bad cases the hair-follicles are destroyed and the eyelashes fall out.

Treatment. The cause of Blepharitis is constitutional, it being the outcome of a lowered vitality and a poisoned blood-stream due to wrong feeding, general wrong living, etc., although local irritation to the eye and prolonged eye-strain are generally supplementary causative factors. Treatment for Blepharitis must therefore be constitutional in character, rather than merely local, if the condition is to be definitely overcome.
The application of ointments, salves, lotions, etc., is just useless where a real cure is concerned. The sufferer from Blepharitis should turn to the treatment for Conjunctivitis given in the following pages and apply it to his own case. He will be more than gratified with the results obtained, both as regards the condition of his eyes and his health generally.

Cataract. Just behind the iris, or coloured portion of the eye, is situated the lens, through which light travels into the interior of the eye. In cataract this lens becomes opaque, and so the entrance of light into the eye is more and more seriously interfered with as the condition develops. When no light-rays at all are allowed to enter the eye, through the opacity of the lens having developed accordingly, then blindness ensues. The medical removal of the lens (or the major portion of it) by means of surgical operation is taken to be the only way of getting over the trouble, as, when suitable glasses are provided after the operation, the sufferer from cataract can see fairly well to get about and carry on his ordinary avocation, whatever it may be.

Once we assume that if a cataract is forming in the eye of an individual then nothing can be done to prevent its future development, perhaps the medical attitude to the condition is justified. They wait until the cataract is " ripe " (this may take a few years to bring about), and then the cataract is removed, and that is the end of the matter. The fact that the unfortunate sufferer has had to go about for the intervening years with his sight growing dimmer and dimmer, and with the prospects of a fairly serious operation always before him as something inevitable, is considered a matter which cannot be helped in any way, things being as they are.

But things need not be as they are, if our medical scientists would concern themselves with the causes of disease, rather than just its effects. For one thing, we know that people suffering from diabetes or Bright's disease sometimes develop cataract; surely that fact itself should throw some light on to the genesis of the condition as a whole ? Cannot it be seen merely from this that constitutional factors are always concerned in the formation and development of cataract, whether diabetes or Bright's disease are present or not ? It only shows how blind our medical scientists are, and how incapable of adding two and two together to make four !

The root cause of cataract is a toxic condition of the system due to many years of wrong feeding and wrong living generally; and constipation of many years' standing is almost always a predisposing factor in the case, just as it is with other highly toxic conditions, such as rheumatism, arthritis, etc. The blood-stream becomes full of toxic matter, and this is carried to all parts of the body to find lodgment in any spot available to it. If, through strain, too prolonged use of the eyes, local irritation, etc., the lens happens to become defective in tone with some people, the toxins will begin to exert their fateful influence there.

As time goes on the condition becomes more serious, and then cataract commences to develop. This, in brief, is the real genesis of cataract. It is a silting up of the lens of the eye over a period of years, as the outcome of a general highly toxic condition of the system. The fact that practically all cataract sufferers are getting on in years, and have usually to their credit a past history of chronic disease plus many years of suppressive medical treatment by knife or drug or both, are facts that only show how true is the contention here made regarding the cause of cataract. (Cataract in children is the result of a diabetic condition of the mother during the pre-natal period.)

Treatment. I do not want every sufferer from cataract to imagine from what has just been said that his trouble can be readily cured by natural treatment. If the cataract has been allowed to develop for many years and has become really deep-seated, then I am afraid nothing short of an operation will help matters. I am being quite candid here, as I do not wish my readers to have any false impressions as to what can or cannot be done in certain cases, even if natural treatment is employed.

But if cataract is in the early stages, then there is every possibility that the trouble can be got rid of by natural means; and even in fairly advanced cases it can often be prevented from getting worse. (Surely this latter fact alone is worth something to the sufferer from cataract, haunted as he always is by the future prospect of a serious operation ?) By a thorough course of natural treatment the blood and tissues can be so cleansed that the trouble will disappear entirely in many early cases of cataract, whilst in many others it will be prevented from getting worse. Really long-standing and serious cases may have to face the possibility of an operation even if natural treatment is adopted ; but even so it is well worth a trial, for even if the cataract cannot be prevented from developing further in these cases, at least the general health of the sufferer will have been greatly improved by the treatment. This, no mere waiting for an operation can do for them.

Treatment by fasting, strict dieting; manipulation, eliminative baths, etc., will all be required by the sufferer from cataract who wishes to give himself every possible chance of cure; and treatment in a Natural-Cure home or under the supervision of a competent practitioner would be by far the best, if carried out in conjunction with the general exercises and advice for strengthening the eyes and improving their visual power given in Better Sight without Glasses. But if this is not possible, then the patient can carry on at home for himself as follows :

Begin with a fast for from three to five days, as directed in the Appendix. Follow this with from seven to fourteen days on the restricted diet also given therein. The fast and period of restricted dieting over, the full weekly dietary, also given in the Appendix, can then be adopted, and it should be adhered to as strictly as possible from then on. ' Further short fasts and periods on the restricted diet should be undertaken at two or three-monthly intervals during the succeeding months, as required by the needs of the case.

The warm-water enema should be used nightly during the first week of the treatment, and afterwards as necessary ; whilst if constipation is habitual (as it generally is in these cases), the rules for its eradication should be put into operation forthwith. The daily dry friction and sitz-bath or sponge (outlined in the Appendix) should be carried out regularly, as also the breathing and other exercises given therein, so far as the patient is able to. The hot Epsom-salts bath is most valuable in cases of cataract, and two or three should be taken weekly if at all possible. The closed eyes should also be bathed night and morning with hot water containing Epsom salts (a dessert-spoonful of salts to a pint of hot water). Give the eyes a good bathing each time, and be sure the eyes are CLOSED all the time, not open. Always finish by rinsing with cold water.

Fresh air and gentle outdoor exercise are two essential factors in the treatment which must not be neglected; walking is by far the best form of exercise to take. The exercises for relaxing and strengthening the eyes, as given in Better Sight without Glasses, should be put into operation in conjunction with the general treatment here given. PALMING and SWINGING are the most important of these where cataract is concerned, as also the eye-muscle exercises and neck exercises.

The diet factor is extremely important, and fruits and salads should form the major portion of the future dietary, these being Nature's t cleansing foods. No white bread, sugar, refined cereals (such as rice, . porridge, etc.), boiled potatoes, puddings, pies, heavy and stodgy and greasy foods, are to be taken. No tea, coffee, or alcoholic beverages ; no condiments, pickles, sauces, etc. Meat can be left out of the dietary entirely with every benefit, but at most should be eaten only very occasionally, and then in small quantities only. Eggs, cheese, or nuts can take the place of meat where mentioned on the diet sheet.

Choroiditis. This is a condition in which the choriod coat, or middle layer of the three layers composing the wall of the eye-ball, becomes inflamed. Choroiditis may be one of two kinds, suppurative choroiditis or exudative choroiditis. The former condition is most serious indeed and follows sometimes in the wake of orthodox medical treatment for syphilis and other sexual diseases. The latter condition, exudative choroiditis, is the outcome of constitutional causes, similar to those responsible for iritis, and the sufferer is referred to the treatment for Iritis given farther on in the present section for treatment for his case.

Conjunctivitis. This is a very common trouble indeed, and is caused by inflammation of the inner lining of the eyelids. Its main feature is redness and swelling of the lids, accompanied sometimes by a feeling as though there were something in the eye. There is often a copious discharge of tears (or " watering "), and sometimes, in more serious cases, there is also pus formation. The medical belief is that conjunctivitis is due to " germ " infection or eye-strain. Certainly the evidence is clear that prolonged work under artificial light or excessive use of the eyes in one way or another predisposes towards the appearance of the trouble, but its root cause is systemic in origin, and is to be found in a general catarrhal condition of the system.

No one can develop conjunctivitis who is not in a condition of general toxemia due to wrong feeding and wrong living generally. All talk of " germs " is just nonsense, a mere cloak to hide medical ignorance of the real cause of the trouble. The sufferer from conjunctivitis is one who is always having colds and other ailments indicative of a general catarrhal condition ; and as catarrh is a pathological condition essentially connected with the mucous membrane, or inner lining, of the nose, throat, etc., it simply means that this general catarrhal condition of the mucous membrane of the structures in question has spread to the mucous lining of the eyelids too, and affected them also. That is the whole secret of conjunctivitis, that, and nothing more, although one has always to keep in mind the possible accessory part played by eye-strain in bringing on the condition.

Treatment. Once we realise the true cause of conjunctivitis, the uselessness of so-called " remedies " such as salves, ointments, etc., will be at once apparent to the intelligent reader. Treatment must be constitutional if it is to be effective at all. The sufferer from conjunctivitis usually eats far too much starchy and sugary food in the shape of white bread, refined cereals, boiled potatoes, puddings, pies, pastry, sugar, jams, confectionery, etc., etc. These are the root cause of his general catarrhal condition (and conjunctivitis also), especially when coupled, as they generally are, with the eating of excessive quantities of meat and other protein and fatty foods, the drinking of much strong tea and coffee, and the too free use of salt, condiments, sauces and other seasonings, etc. We can also add to the above citation a run-down condition of the system due to enervating habits and wrong living, and a tendency to excessive use of the eyes or undue eye-strain to complete the picture.

It will be obvious from the above that only a thorough internal cleansing of the system, with the adoption of a future rational scheme of diet, can help to get rid of conjunctivitis, once it has made its appearance. And the sufferer from the complaint who wishes to build up his whole system, as well as cure his conjunctivitis, should therefore carry on as follows.

Begin with from seven to ten days on the exclusive fresh fruit diet outlined in the Appendix. Those who have the trouble in a rather advanced form should have up to fourteen days on the all-fruit diet to begin with, or, better still, have a short fast for from three to five days, followed by seven to fourteen days on the restricted diet as given for the treatment for Cataract. The all-fruit diet or fast and restricted diet, as the case may be, should then be followed by the adoption of the general weekly dietary given in the Appendix.

Further short periods on all-fruit should be taken at monthly intervals during the next few months, say two or three consecutive days; and in the more serious cases more short fasts and periods on the restricted diet should be taken at two- or three-monthly intervals as required. The warm-water enema should be used nightly during the first week of the treatment, and after as necessary ; whilst those with chronic constipation should put into effect the rules for its eradication.

The morning dry friction and sitz-bath or sponge, as given in the Appendix, are most essential, as are also the breathing and other exercises to be found therein. All these will help to build up the general health-level of the sufferer, and so help on the cure. The hot Epsom-salts bath is most valuable too in conjunctivitis, and one, two, or three should be taken weekly, according to the severity (or otherwise) of the condition. In addition, the closed eyes should be bathed night and morning with hot water containing Epsom salts (a dessertspoonful of salts to a pint of hot water). Be sure to keep the eyes CLOSED whilst so doing, and give them a good bathing each time. Always finish off by rinsing with cold water. Salves, ointments, etc., must not be used on any account whatsoever. Exposure of the closed eyes to the rays of the sun is very good indeed.

Fresh air and outdoor exercise are two essentials to the treatment which must never be overlooked, and the sufferer from conjunctivitis should be out in the open air as much as possible. The eyes must be looked after carefully, and too much reading or close work under artificial light or bad lighting conditions should be discouraged. The exercises given in Better Sight without Glasses for relaxing and strengthening the eyes should be put into operation in conjunction with the general treatment here outlined. PALMING in particular is most helpful. The sufferer from conjunctivitis should do as much of this as possible during the day (three or four fifteen-minute periods at least, if not more). Also the cold-water splashing is very good too, as mentioned therein.

As already indicated, the diet factor is of extreme importance, and the more rigidly the diet-sheet given in the Appendix is adhered to, the better will it be in every way as regards quickness of cure, future general health, etc. The items of diet mentioned in the foregoing pages as being the direct causes of a catarrhal condition of the system, such as white bread, sugar, much meat, strong tea, and coffee, etc., should be carefully excluded from the future dietary, and fresh fruits and salads MUST form the bulk of the foods eaten.

Glaucoma. This is a condition in which there is tension in the eye-ball as a result of the presence of excess fluid. The eye becomes hard as a consequence of this excess fluid within it, and feels hard to the touch, instead of soft and resilient, as in the normal state. One of the first symptoms of the onset of the condition is the appearance of haloes or coloured rings round distant objects when seen at night. The iris is usually pushed forward, and there is constant pain in the brow, the temple, the cheek, or other part near the eye. There is also gradual impairment of vision as the condition develops, and ultimate blindness may ensue if proper steps to deal with the disease are not inaugurated in the early stages.

Medical Science offers severe eye-strain or prolonged work under bad lighting conditions as the main cause of glaucoma, although it is sometimes admitted that a run-down condition of the patient has something to do with the onset of the trouble. But in reality the origin lies much deeper than that. The basic cause of glaucoma is exactly the same as that of cataract, i.e. a highly toxic general condition of the system due to many years of wrong feeding and wrong living, plus (usually) suppressive medical treatment of previous disease, by knife or drug, over a considerable period of time. Eye-strain is a supplementary factor only.

Treatment. The medical treatment for glaucoma is operation, to relieve the internal pressure set up in the eye as a result of the presence of the excess fluid. This, however, does nothing to get rid of the cause of the excess fluid, merely of its effects. Consequently, even where an operation has been performed in glaucoma, it is no guarantee at all that the trouble will not return or affect the other eye. Until the cause of the excess fluidity is understood and dealt with, a real cure is not at all possible, and operations must be regarded as merely palliative at best.

The real treatment for glaucoma is constitutional in character, not merely local or palliative. When excess fluid appears in various parts of the body other than the eye, it is taken as being due to faulty functioning of the kidneys or other organs of elimination. Excess fluid in the eye is no exception to this rule in the eyes of the Naturopath, in the sense that it is taken to be a sign of derangement of bodily function due to a highly toxic general condition, plus imperfect local drainage of the eye. Of course, eye-strain and excessive use of the eyes in bad light, etc., are accepted as subsidiary causes. A general run-down condition of the system due to overwork, excesses of all kinds, etc., all contribute to the onset of the condition, which usually does not appear until the patient is well on in years.

The treatment for glaucoma, so far as Natural Cure is concerned, is no different from that for any other condition connotative of high toxicity ; and the sufferer from the complaint is referred to the treatment for Cataract for details as to how to carry on in his own case. Cases in the early stages should respond very well to the treatment, but more advanced cases may be beyond cure. Even so, in these latter, much can be done to build up the general health-level of the patient by the treatment, and for that reason alone it is well worth carrying out, even if a complete cure is not possible. In many such cases the trouble can at least be prevented from developing further. If the patient is in a run-down and generally " nervy " condition, then a period of complete rest in bed to begin the treatment is essential.

Iritis. The iris, or coloured portion of the eye, is sometimes the seat of inflammation, and this condition is known as iritis. Iritis is a most painful malady, and left in medical hands may keep on for many months, leaving the sight of the sufferer much worse than it was before the trouble set in. This is merely because the real underlying causes of the inflammation have not been understood, and suppressive measures instead of eliminative measures have been used as a basis of treatment.

Iritis is primarily due to a highly toxic condition of the system as a whole, and unless the whole system is treated there is little hope of a successful termination to the complaint, so far as complete restoration of vision and general health of the eye are concerned. A person suffering from iritis is one who has a past medical history of disease of one kind or other extending over many years, and more often than not long-standing constipation is one of the prime factors involved. To treat the eyes only and leave this general toxic condition untouched is indicative of the short-sightedness of our medical practitioners when it comes to the practical cure of disease.

Treatment. For the effective treatment of iritis the sufferer is referred to that for Conjunctivitis given earlier, beginning with the fast and restricted diet, instead of the all-fruit diet. Fasting and strict dieting are the main curative measures needed in these cases. (In acute cases a fairly lengthy fast may be necessary.) The use of the enema during the fasting period is most essential, as bowel trouble is one of the main predisposing causes of the condition. The full Epsom-salts bath and the bathing of the closed eyes with hot water containing Epsom salts, as described in the treatment for Conjunctivitis, are two most useful measures too. The eyes may be bathed three, four, or more times daily to begin with if desired, and less often as the inflammation decreases under the treatment.

Hot fomentations applied behind the ears are also useful, and a cold pack can also be applied to the eyes at night. (See Appendix for details as to how packs are made.) Palming, as detailed in Better Sight without Glasses, is a most helpful procedure in iritis, and should be done several times a day for fifteen or twenty-minute periods. Future strict attention to the diet, along the lines laid down in this book, is essential; and care in the use of the eyes for close work, work under artificial light, etc., should be exercised for some considerable time to come. (Dark protector glasses may have to be worn during the attack.)

Keratitis. The causes which will lead to the development of Keratitis, or inflammation of the cornea of the eye, are very much the same as those for iritis just referred to. Keratitis is also indicative of a highly toxic condition of the system generally, although eye-strain, injury to the eye, etc., are of course superficial predisposing factors to its occurrence.

Treatment. As regards treatment, the sufferer from Keratitis is referred to that for Iritis just given above. Such treatment will not only cure his eye trouble, but build up his whole general health too.

Retinitis. The retina is that portion of the internal �ye-structure, situated at the back of the eye-ball, upon which the light-rays are reflected after passing through the lens into the eye. It is the most sensitive portion of the internal eye-structure, and is indeed only a continuation and development, in a way, of the optic nerve itself, which carries sight impressions to the brain. The retina is sometimes the seat of inflammation, and this condition is known as retinitis.

Retinitis is a sure sign of a highly toxic condition of the system generally, and the sufferer usually has some definite disease of one kind or other present in his system at the time of the development of the retinal trouble, such as diabetes, kidney disease, etc.

Treatment. Obviously it is only by dealing with the disease at the back of the retinitis, Bright's disease, or whatever it is. that the unduly high toxic condition responsibly for the development of the eye trouble in question can be got rid of; and the sufferer from retinitis is therefore referred to the treatment given in this book for any particular disease which may have brought on the trouble in his case. In addition, he is referred to the treatment for Iritis, just previously given, for guidance in the carrying out of local treatment for his case. As much palming as possible (as outlined in Better Sight without Glasses] should be done daily in twenty-minute periods, or more, and the eyes should be rested completely for the period the inflammation is in evidence. (Dark glasses should be worn.) Only when the condition has fully cleared up should reading again be undertaken, and even then with care to begin with.

Styes. Styes are due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands at the border of the eyelids. They are a sign of a toxic condition of the system, and usually make their appearance when the sufferer is rather " run-down " or below par generally. Eyestrain has also to be reckoned with as a subsidiary factor in bringing on the condition.

Treatment. As regards treatment for Styes, this should be along the lines of that for Conjunctivitis given earlier in the present section, both as regards general and local treatment. Only in this case hot fomentations can also be applied to the affected eye (or eyes) several times daily, as well as bathing with hot Epsom-salts water, etc. The treatment here outlined will not only get rid of the present trouble, but, by building up the whole general health-level will effectually prevent future Styes from forming. For once there is a tendency for Styes to form, they will always tend to do so whenever the general condition of the sufferer is at a lower level than usual.

Trachoma. This is a condition very common among the poor in many parts of the world. It is a very extreme form of conjunctivitis, and its root causes are defective nutrition and unwholesome living-Any attempt to treat trachoma other than by constitutional methods is doomed to failure by the nature of the case, yet treatments by salves, ointments, etc., seem to be the only methods Medical Science can devise for its removal, other than the attempt to " clean up " the general outward condition of the sufferer by the free use of soap, water, etc. Cleanliness of the external person is no doubt a very good thing, but it is cleanliness of the internal person which is most needed if trachoma is to be overcome effectively. It is the blood and tissues which must be scoured, not only the face and body.

Treatment. The treatment for trachoma is exactly the same as that for Conjunctivitis, only in this case a fairly protracted fast will be required to start it. Further shorter fasts will no doubt be required at intervals, until the condition is quite cleared up. The use of the enema, the Epsom-salts bath, bathing the closed eyes with hot water and Epsom salts, etc., are all essential factors in the treatment. Exposure of the closed eyes to the rays of the sun is a most helpful measure too.

Cleanliness of bodily habits, cleanliness of living, and a rational scheme of diet in which fruits and salads play the most important part are the only sure ways in which to overcome trachoma�if it has not been allowed to develop too far, that is, in any given case.

Ulcers of the Cornea. The cornea is the sort of window at the front of the eye which protects the pupil and iris. Not infrequently small ulcers appear upon the cornea, and give a great deal of trouble to the unfortunate sufferer. As with all other eye diseases, the cause of corneal ulcers is systemic in origin, and can be traced to wrong feeding in particular and wrong living in general.

Treatment. For an understanding of how a toxic condition of the system can affect the eyes, the sufferer from corneal ulcers is referred to the sections on Cataract and Glaucoma in the preceding pages. And as regards treatment he should put into operation the advice given for the cure of Iritis and Keratitis adapting it according to the severity or otherwise of his own particular case.

Strict attention to the future dietary is essential if future recurrences of the trouble are to be prevented, and the whole general health-level should be built up by systematic exercise, hygienic living, etc. No drugs, lotions, etc., should be used as aids to treatment, the only local help to be employed being the frequent bathing of the closed eyes with hot water and Epsom salts, as advised in all other eye diseases, and the exposure of the closed eyes to the rays of the sun. Palming, as described in Better Sight without Glasses, is most helpful, and should be carried out several times daily, in fifteen- or twenty-minute periods.

Editors Note. Harry Benjamin�s �Better Sight without Glasses� is still available. A clear simple explanation of swinging and palming may be found here,

The general naturopathic methods outlined by Harry Benjamin may be found under Constipation and its cure in the self help section of the site library. Also under first aid. Or else use the site search box at the top right hand of the page.

