


Nettle U.S.D. 1926 Part II
Compiled and edited by Ivor Hughes.


1. Nettle U.S.D 21st Edition 1926.

2. Urtica urens. Boerickes Materia Medica.

3. Professor Kervran. A couple of extracts from his book �Biological Transmutations�.

Introduction: to the compilation. Noble Nettle has always commanded a seat of honour within the domestic economy, providing food medicine and clothing.

There was a time when the finest of linens were made from them. The image is of the juvenile plant and it is at this stage that they are to be considered a spring tonic and especially so for the whole family. Invalids and elders also benefit from them. The whole tops being lightly steamed, mashed and seasoned to taste.

From the healers point of view they are a rich source of soluble organic silica.

The importance of which, in our personal calcium economy cannot be underestimated. Professor Kervran has some interesting things to say in his ground breaking work, �Biological transmutations�. Which provides the proof of the calcium/silica link. Equally important for the individual .. is to consider is the average body burden of noxious chemicals and endocrine disrupting molecules which we all partake of everyday. The overall cleansing effect of Nettle is a welcome tonic for the jaded.

When preparing a medicinal tincture or extract of this plant it is most important that they are prepared in the Spagyric manner rather than the Galenic. The reason of this is that the Spagyric preparation contains the plant soluble mineral salts. These salts are bio-chelated and of course in balance with each other. The heavy metal residues are discarded.

The Salts may be used alone. Used alone they lack the subtle overall toning of the system that is engendered by the complete extract. If used alone they should never be administered unless in Homeopathic form. The salts are very alkaline and in concentrated doses would be liable to cause damage to delicate linings.

The salts attract moisture and deliquesce readily. As a Spagyric prepared remedy .. they penetrate to a very deep level and of course they may be potentised. They are considered Specific for many conditions. For storage, a cool dark place. Amber tightly sealed jars and for extra insurance a small sachet of silica-gel.

The USD 1926. Part II
Urtica. Nettle:
Nettle. Ortieb bǔrulante, Fr. Brermessel, G.�Various species of this genus
(Fam. Urticaceae) are furnished with poisonous stinging hairs. Urtica gigas A. Cunn (now Laportea gigas Wedd.), of Eastern Australia is said frequently to kill horses, and to produce in man a sting whose impression lasts for months. (N. R., 1875.)

Stinging hairs are known to occur in the following genera of Urticaceae:

Urtica, Laportea, Hesperocnide, Fleurya, Urera, Girardinia, and Scepocarpus.

Under the microscopic those of Urtica and Laporten are long, conical and unicellular, the apex beading a small spherical or ovoid head which is attached obliquely and readily breaks off upon contact, when the irritating fluid contents are discharged. It has generally been thought that the virulence of the hairs is due to the presence of free formic acid (A. J. P., xxii), and David Hooper (P. J., April, 1887) has demonstrated: the presence of formic acid, or a substance very closely allied to it, in the hairs of the Nilgri nettle (Girardinia palmata Gaudich.). Nevertheless, it does not seem probable that formic acid is the poison. G. Haberlandt believes it to be a nonvolatile albuminoid, and L. Reuter has obtained from several nettles a glucoside. (A. J. P., Jan., 1890.)

Oddi and Lomonaco (Rif. Med., April, 1892) isolated from the common nettle a crystalline alkaloid, and found that in mammals the extract acts powerfully upon the vasomotor system, and in frogs causes centric paralysis with diastolic cardiac arrest.

U. dioica L., or common nettle, and U. wrens L., or dwarf nettle, European plants naturalized in waste places to some extent in the United States, have been used in medicine as local irritants, as diuretics (A. J. P., 1866), and especially for the purpose of arresting uterine hemorrhage.

The fluidextract may be given in doses of half a fluid drachm (1.8 cc.) or a decoction of the strength of an ounce to a pint in teacupful doses. Under the name of brandol is marketed a preparation used in the treatment of burns and wounds; it is a liquid consisting of 93 per cent, infusion of Urtica, 2 per cent, picric acid and 5 per cent. glycerin.


Urtica urens. Boerickes Homoeopathic Materia Medica.
URTICA URENS (Stinging-nettle)
A remedy for agalactia and lilhiasis. Profuse discharge from mucous surfaces. Enuresis and urticaria. Spleen affections. Antidotes ill-effects of eating shellfish. Symptoms return at the same time every year. Gout and uric acid diathesis. Favors elimination. Rheumatism associated with urticaria-like eruptions. Neuritis.

Head.� Vertigo, headache with spleen pains.

Abdomen.� Diarrhoea chronic disease of large intestine characterized by large secretion of mucus.

Male. � Itching of scrotum, keeps him awake; scrotum swollen.

Female. �Diminished secretion of milk. Uterine haemorrhage. Acid and excoriating leucorrhoea. Pruritus vulvx, with stinging, itching, and oedema. Arrests flow of milk after weaning. Excessive swelling of breasts.

Extremities. � Pain in acute gout deltoid; pain in ankles, wrists.

Skin. � Itching blotches. Urticaria, burning heat, with formication; violent itching. Consequences of suppressed nettle-rash. Rheumatism alternates with nettle-rash. Burn confined to skin. Urticaria nodosa. [Bov.] Erythema, with burning and stinging. Burns and scalds. Chicken-pox. [Dulc.] Angio-neurotic oedema. Herpes labialis with sensation of heat and itching. Itching and stinging of scrotum.

Fever. � General heat in bed with soreness over abdomen. Fever of gout. Tropical fever.

Modalities. � Worse, from snow-air; water, cool moist air, touch.

Relationship. � Compare: Medusa; Nat. mur.; Lac. can.; Ricin (diminished mammary secretion); Bombyx; Rhus; Apis; Chloral.; Astac.; Puls. (urticaria); Boletus luridus and Anacard, (urticaria tuberosa); Lycop. and Hedeoma (uric acid conditions) ; Formica.

Dose.-Tincture and lower potencies.

Professor C. Louis Kervran 1901-1983
Nominated for the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology.

The quotations are taken from the English translation of his book.

Biological Transmutations by Professor C. Louis Kervran,
translation and adaptation by Michel Abehsera,
Happiness Press, ISBN 0-916508-47-1

Introduction: MEDICINE.
A time will come when the biological transmutations will be fully instituted and practiced in medicine. The health that modern man has is temporary, lasting just for the time it takes for the last pill to wear off. When a symptom of a sickness begins to appear one shuts it in mechanically with whatever new pill is on the market. If one unit is not enough, one takes two, etc.�for months, or even for life. Rather than seeking quality, one turns to quantity. Quantity overwhelms the sickness and baffles it for a while, but like a balloon pressed against the water, the sickness springs out stronger than ever in another place. In medicine, as it is practiced by many doctors, there is no intelligence involved.

Everything is arranged so that nothing will be lost. When something disappears, everyone is worried and hurries to replace it immediately � and, to insure the success of this mechanical operation, a supplement is administered. From a comprehensive physiological understanding man has shifted to the purely mechanical. The body is but a factory without a foreman where all the machines run wild. A man is hired to put things together. But the task is so difficult that he gives up the job and another is hired.

The "replacement" of an element is a primitive approach, born out of defects in understanding. This mechanical attitude makes man a frightened being who is out of place in this world. This pattern of thinking and practice impedes progress and, worse, leads man to the loss of his mental faculties. With the proper understanding he could evolve and become the man he is meant to be, not a compulsively busy one, wasting his time patching up his sorrows and pains. to life and reality. By studying and making use of them man will recover the health he lost a long time ago. Health means not only to be able to do one's work with a certain required strength, but to be a clear thinker who can spend time learning about the wonders of this world. To be healthy is to be able to grow and perceive; it is also the ability to learn from others with humility.

An artificially induced physical health is temporary. True and complete health must encompass the mind as well as the body; it implies happiness and understanding. The application of the biological transmutations can be a guide for the safe conduct of man.

Calcium is not always the answer.
The problems of decalcification and the strengthening of the bones must be investigated all over again. We have seen how fractured bones can be healed rapidly by means of organic silica (see chapter entitled "Production of Calcium From Silicon"). We have learned how horsetail, which is quite poor in calcium, can help heal fractured bones. Spring horsetail, as compared to summer horsetail, is rich in organic silica�not in mineral silica which is, on the contrary, decalcifying.

Fresh green vegetables (young plants), radishes, etc., contain a large amount of silica. We now know it is due to the ingestion of fresh grass that milk-cows can excrete more calcium than they ingest, without decalcifying. The pregnant woman who breastfeeds her baby may correct her diet by adding a small amount of horsetail to her food in order to avoid decalcification. This is now t recognized without dispute and is being applied commercially in France.

Many articles include names of authors ' who have referred to my work, citing spectacular results obtained in the attempt to strengthen the bones with organic silica. The chief surgeon of a hospital asked for my assistance when he found himself confronted by a delicate case: a young man with bones broken very badly in an accident. The classical treatment of Vitamin D plus.

Professor Kervran�s work is of vital importance in today�s world and should be on the reading list of every healer. All silica rich plants will produce calcium, so the herb should be matched to the individual who is being treated. Jack Spratt could eat no fat, and his wife could eat no lean.

Ivor Hughes. Auckland 28 Aug. 05.

