

Doctor Benjamin�s Gladstone Bag.
Part 1.

Ivor Hughes.

Here one finds the instructions to apply the Naturopathic Method of cure. Some of the proprietary preparations mentioned are only available in the UK, however they are not essential items and substitutes may be found in many countries.

Everybody�s Guide to Nature cure was first published in Britain in October 1936 ..71 years ago. Harry Benjamin ND lays out the methodology which has steered hundreds of thousands of grateful patients along the road to health .. He has been the inspiration and guide for untold numbers of Practitioners who have practiced the Naturopathic Arts .. and as they have found out Nature is an unfailing mentor.

Since Dr Harry Benjamin first wrote this book there have been some drastic and far reaching changes in our methods of Animal and Crop husbandry .. Our Food and Dairy animals are riddled with disease .. Our milk is pasteurised and homogenised because of the dangers of milk taken from these herds and especially those from hormone injected cows .. Mastitis is common and traces of antibiotics,hormones and pus from diseased udders is to be found in all conventionally farm produced milk .. there are now large numbers of people allergic to dairy.

The milk is produced from artificial pastures created with 5 or 6 different types of grass which are fed with chemicals and sprayed with weed killers to prevent pasture diversity .. Our food crops are treated in the same manner and often flown or shipped many thousands of miles to reach a market .. the food is nutritionally deficient having lost 50% of its properties since the 1930�s .. this is why the supplements market is booming and the rate of disease in the population is growing annually .. Use your common sense .. try to eat organic produce .. cut down on meat .. purchase locally grown food .. always try to eat fresh food in season .. the lower down the food chain that you eat, the better will be your health.

Simplicity is the key .. if one is a Caucasian then the dietary as set out by Dr. Harry Benjamin should be ample variety even for a jaded taste .. Every nation will have its own healthy alternatives ..

If one is not able to source organic milk then it is recommended that one substitues fresh raw vegetable juices. .. allow a 30 minute interval after consuming fresh fruit before taking the vegetable juices.

Harry Benjamin ND

APPENDIX A.�The feeding of children�The short fast regime�The all-fruit diet�The fruit and milk diet�The restricted diet�The full milk diet�A week's menus for adults�When and what to drink�Constipation and its cure �The use of the enema or gravity douche�The morning dry friction�The cold sitz-bath�The cold sponge�The Epsom salts bath�The hot and cold sitz-bath�Wet packs�Remedial exercises�Breathing exercises�Complications which may arise during treatment�Some rules for general living for those undertaking treatment.

THE advice re the feeding of children that follows in this section is taken from the book How to Feed Children from Infancy Onwards by Mr. Stanley Lief, editor of Health for All magazine, with his kind permission. As this small book on child feeding referred to is out of print at the time of writing the present section can be taken as a sort of precis of the contents of that book, for the help of readers of the present volume anxious to rear their children on right lines. I would also like to remark here that, as I do not regard myself as an authority on child feeding, any parents with problems on this subject can consult the "Mother and Child" Department of Health for All magazine for personal assistance. There is an excellent advice service run in conjunction with that Department, under the capable care of Mrs. Margaret Y. Brady, M.Sc. The fee for detailed advice on any problem connected with the feeding or rearing of children is 2s. 6d., and all enquiries should be addressed to Mrs. Brady, Mother and Child Department, Health for All,

Proceeding with our precis of Mr. Lief's book on child feeding, therefore, we commence as follows: �

EVERYBODY'S GUIDE TO NATURE CURE FEEDING DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE.We have already stressed that wrong feeding in infancy is the chief factor concerned in the development of all children's ailments, and the main points to bear in mind are the following :

(1) All children when born should be breast-fed where at all possible. They should be given four feeds a day at four-hourly intervals, and no night feeds. If the child should wake at night only water should be given.

(2) If, for any reason, it is impossible to breast-feed the child, then it should be fed on goat's milk or cow's milk�the former preferably �diluted with water, and with milk sugar added (in accordance with the table to be given hereafter). No artificially prepared, patent, or tinned-milk foods are to be given�just goat's or cow's milk, with added water and milk sugar.

(3) Where a mother can partly feed her child, she should give it two feeds of her own and two bottle-feeds, or one of her own and three bottle-feeds.

(4) Where children are entirely breast-fed, they need nothing other than the milk they are receiving from their mother; children bottle-fed should receive some orange juice daily, in addition to the bottle-feeds. Breast-fed babies may be given orange juice if desired, but it is not essential to them.

(5) Weaning can take place after nine months with breast-fed babies ; but whether breast-fed or bottle-fed, no baby should receive anything but milk (and orange juice) for the first year of its existence. NOTHING ELSE AT ALL SHOULD BE GIVEN. No starchy foods or anything else. It is the giving of starchy foods such as bread, oatmeal, etc., to young babies at weaning which leads to the early development of such child ailments as coughs, colds, measles, whooping-cough, etc., etc., especially so as the starchy foods used are always in the refined state, and with other demineralised foods such as white sugar added to the dietary.

(6) At the age of one year a baby should be receiving about a quart of full milk with fruit juices daily. (Milk should never be boiled ', it should be just warmed to a temperature of about 80 degrees Fahr.)

The following is merely a general idea of what should be given. Some babies will need more,some will need less. It is the baby's own inclinations which must be studied, rather than set rules. Never force a baby to take food if it does not want to, and never overfeed. If a baby shows no inclination for food on a certain day, then give it just so much as it wishes for and no more. Never adopt the mentality which says the baby must have so much food every day whether it wants it or not. On the other hand, if a baby shows signs that it is not satisfied with the quantity of its food, and wants more at a feed, then give it as much as it wants. Let the child's hunger (or lack of it) be the guide all the time.

The above amounts represent the total of the four feeds to be given in one day. After weaning, other fruit juices and vegetable juices may be given as well as orange juice.

FEEDING OF CHILDREN FROM ONE TO TWO YEARS When children reach the age of one year, most parents assume that they can be given bread, eggs, milk puddings, and even meat to eat. Such feeding is the very basis from which the vast amount of child disease of to-day springs ! A balanced scheme of daily feeding for a child from one year to eighteen months is :

Breakfast. � All the milk the child desires.

Second Meal.All the milk the child desires, including fruit juice. (The juice may be put into the milk or given separately.)

Third Meal.AH the milk the child desires.

In addition to orange juice, prune or raisin juice may be given, also vegetable juices if desired. A piece of
raw carrot or raw apple
can be given to chew, and a little fruit or vegetable pulp may be added to the dietary after the fifteenth month. A crust of wholemeal bread may be given occasionally (for chewing purposes) after that time too; but the eating of bread should be left till later on, as starchy foods are not properly digested by the infant system until the age of two years, when all the first set of teeth have appeared and thorough mastication is possible.

Remember that milk should never be boiled, but be only just warmed (about 80 degrees Fahr.).

Up to the eighteenth month (or even longer) it is best to feed the child out of a bottle, as this ensures proper ensalivation.

From eighteen to twenty-four months the diet should be : 

First Meal.All the milk the child desires.

Second Meal.From four to six ounces of fruit juice or vegetable juice.

Third Meal.�All the milk the child desires.

More fruit and .vegetable pulp can be added to the dietary during this time, and more raw fruit or vegetables to chew on (and eat). A wholemeal crust or wholemeal hard biscuit can be given more frequently, too, during this time. Give no sugar at all, or sweets. The child will get all the sugar its system requires�and in the best form�from the fruit juices, fruit, etc. Sweets are the most pernicious things possible to give children !

FEEDING OF CHILDREN FROM TWO TO THREE YEARS At two years of age the child can be allowed to eat starchy foods, because by that time it will be able to masticate and deal with them properly ; but parents should see that all bread and other cereals are thoroughly masticated in the mouth before being swallowed. This is most important!

A balanced diet for a child from two to three years of age is as follows:

First Meal.Orange or other fresh fruit, one kind of sweet fruit (raisins, figs, dates, or prunes), and milk.

Second Meal.A whole-wheat product such as " Shredded Wheat," " Force," " Granose," or wholemeal toast, and milk.

Third Meal.Steamed vegetables with toast, milk; or as the morning meal.

If the chifd should be thirsty between meals, give only water to drink. Nothing in the way of tea, coffee, etc.

FEEDING OF CHILDREN FROM THREE TO FIVE YEARS Most people believe that meat is an essential in the child dietary (some going so far as to introduce it at the age of one or so !) ; but this is quite wrong. Until a child is five years of age it is not in a position to deal with flesh foods adequately. The thyroid gland, which plays such an important part in the metabolism of animal protein foods�of which meat is one�is not in full working order until the end of the fifth year of life. There is not the slightest need to give meat even after the fifth year, but parents who wish to do so may, in accordance with the child menus (from five onwards) to be given hereafter.

A Balanced Diet for Children from Three to Five Years First Day

Breakfast.An apple. Stewed prunes (as many as the child wants). A glass of milk.

Noon Meal.Medium-sized baked potato with a little butter. String beans or other vegetable. Cottage cheese.

Evening Meal. � Wholemeal toast, butter. Lettuce and watercress. Glass of milk.

Second Day.

Breakfast." Shredded Wheat " eaten dry. A banana (very ripe). Glass of milk.

Noon Meal. � Vegetable salad. Wholemeal bread and butter. Soaked prunes.

Evening Meal.Figs. An orange. Glass of milk.

Third Day

Breakfast.Apples, raw, baked, or stewed (as many as the child desires). Glass of milk.

Noon Meal.Baked potato with butter. One steamed green vegetable. Glass of milk.

Evening Meal." Force " or " Shredded Wheat." Some dates. Glass of milk.

Fourth Day - Breakfast. � Wholemeal toast, butter. Glass of milk.

Noon Meal.Two steamed vegetables. Cottage cheese. Baked apple.

Evening Meal.Fresh fruit (such as an apple, pear, orange, grapes). Sweet fruit (raisins, figs, prunes). Milk.

It must be pointed out again that milk should not be boiled, but may be warmed if desired. It should be unpasteurised if possible. Do not force the child to eat; let its own hunger be the guide all the time. If the child does not feel hungry for any particular meal, let it miss the meal altogether. When it is really hungry, a child will eat anything placed before it. Never cajole therefore, but simply let the child have its way. Its own instincts are always a better guide in these matters than our own ideas or theories, let us repeat.

No doubt many parents will note with surprise that not only is meat or fish or other flesh food excluded from the foregoing scheme of diet, but even eggs also. The fact is that eggs are too highly-concentrated a form of protein food to be suitable for young children. Lest such parents will not believe that a child can be adequately nourished without the presence of eggs (or egg custard, etc.) in the dietary, they can be assured that the whole scheme of child and infant feeding here outlined is not just the result of mere theoretical reasoning into the food question, but the actual outcome of many years of practical experience in the realm of dietetics. Children brought up and fed in the manner herein indicated will prove far fitter and healthier in every way than children brought up in the conventional manner on the demineralised, devitalised, and high-protein foods of our present era.

Parents assume that the " children's ailments" of to-day are something inevitable. So they are if children are fed as they are to-day ! But such ailments would be far from inevitable if a scheme of child feeding were universally adopted such as is herein outlined for the benefit of readers of this book.

Further points to be stressed are : no sugar is to be given to children ; no sweets or confectionery of any kind; no condiments, sauces, seasonings, etc.; no tea or coffee. Sweets are the most pernicious things it is possible to give children, it must again be pointed out. The less any child sees of them, the better will its health inevitably be.*

* After the fourth day's menus return to those for the first day and continue in that way.

FEEDING CHILDREN FROM FIVE YEARS ONWARDS After the child has passed its fifth year it may adopt a scheme of feeding more in line with that of its elders; and a balanced weekly dietary for children from the age of five onwards is here being given as a guide to all parents as to how such children should be fed for sound health and fitness, and not for disease.


First Day 
.�One apple, one orange, four or five dates, glass of milk.

Lunch.�Poached egg, steamed spinach (or other green vegetable), baked potato in skin. Dessert: baked apple.

Evening Meal.�Wholemeal bread and butter, with lettuce, tomatoes, watercress, or celery, etc. A few stewed prunes to follow if desired.

Second Day
.�" Shredded Wheat " or " Force," with raisins and milk.

Lunch.�A selection of fresh fruits (apples, pears, grapes, or oranges), a sweet fruit (dates, figs, or prunes), and milk.

Evening Meal.�Wholemeal bread (or " Ryvita ") and butter, with lettuce, tomatoes, watercress, celery, etc. Milk.

Third Day
.�Two apples, one banana, milk.

Lunch.�A little chicken or lamb, with one steamed green vegetable, steamed carrots or turnips. Dessert: stewed fruit.

Evening Meal.�Wholemeal bread and butter, with lettuce, tomatoes, watercress, celery, etc. One or two black figsj- or a few dates.

Fourth Day
�Grapes, prunes, milk.

Lunch.�Poached egg, one steamed green vegetable, potato baked in skin. Apple or pear.

Evening Meal.�Wholemeal bread (or " Ryvita ") and butter, with lettuce, watercress, tomatoes, etc. Ripe banana.

* The child will get all the sugar its system needs from fresh and dried fruits. This is sugar in its best form. Black figs may be obtained at any Health Food Store.

Fifth Day
.�" Shredded Wheat" or " Force," with raisins and milk.

Lunch.�A selection of fresh fruits (apples, pears, grapes, or oranges), a sweet fruit (dates, figs, or prunes), and milk.

Evening Meal.�Wholemeal bread and butter, with lettuce, tomatoes, watercress, celery, etc. Milk.

Sixth Day 
Breakfast.�Half grape-fruit, apple, three or four black figs,* milk.

Lunch.�Steamed fish, one steamed green vegetable, steamed carrots or turnips. Dessert : baked apple.

Evening Meal.�Wholemeal bread (or " Ryvita ") and butter, with lettuce, watercress, tomatoes, celery, etc. Ripe banana.

Seventh Day 
�One apple, one orange, one pear, glass of milk.

Lunch.�Nut cutlet or grated or cottage cheese, with one steamed green vegetable, potato baked in skin. Dessert: stewed prunes.

Evening Meal.�Wholemeal bread and butter, with lettuce, tomatoes, watercress, etc. ; a few nuts and raisins.

SOME NOTES ON THE FOREGOING DIET-CHART.�Milk should always be either cold or just warmed, never boiled.
It should also be unpasteurised if possible. Milk that has been pasteurised has had much of its food-value impaired.  

For stewing fruit, always use either honey or Demerara sugar, never white sugar. Never give stewed rhubarb. When giving a cereal in the morning it is best to let the child eat it quite crisp or else with just a little milk on it. Do not let it get soft and mushy before eating, for that will prevent proper ensalivation of the food, which is so essential to its thorough mastication. The rest of the milk can be taken afterwards.

Allow no eating between meals. Do not give tea or coffee, and do not allow drinking with meals, except in the case of milk (which is a food really and not a drink). Water can be taken between meals as thirst dictates. (It will be found that on the foregoing diet a child will not be nearly so thirsty as on a conventional diet.) Some orange juice in water (or alone) can be given first thing in the morning, and a hot lemon drink (with honey) at night. See that the child masticates all its food properly ; do not allow any " bolting " of food. If a child does not feel hungry, do not press it to eat, but allow it to miss a meal. It will eat soon enough when in need of food.

Give no white sugar or jams, marmalade, etc. Keep the child away from ice-cream, pastries, puddings, and pies. Do not give even milk puddings; these are too " mushy " to be a satisfactory food for children �or for anyone for that matter�and being made with refined cereals are very defective from the health point of view. Sweets and confectionery of all kinds should be " taboo " ; such things work more havoc in the child system than anything else in the food line that the ingenuity of man has devised.

In the case of children who are quite healthy and are following the foregoing diet-chart, these may be given a piece of home-made wholemeal fruit cake occasionally (as a special treat), with the evening meal, or a wholemeal scone and honey, or a piece of good chocolate. But the above must not be allowed children who are suffering from some ailment and are following the diet-chart for the purpose of cure. The former may also have a little cream or egg-and-milk custard two or three times weekly.

THE SHORT FAST REGIME When undertaking a short fast, the procedure should be as follows. When you rise in the morning, you should take no food. All you may have is the juice of an orange (in a glass of warm water if preferred) every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. NOTHING ELSE WHATEVER may be taken, otherwise you might just as well continue with your ordinary food, as the value of the fast will be lost entirely. If orange juice disagrees, take water only or vegetable juices.

EACH DAY WHILE FASTING you should see that the bowels are cleansed of the effete and poisonous matter thrown off by the self-cleansing process now being set up by the body. This is MOST IMPORTANT, for, if omitted, the body will reabsorb the poisons, and your fast will have been more or less in vain. A gravity douche is the best appliance to use.


Slight Fever. If this makes iiself felt, a little warm water may be drunk. Dizziness, headache, faintness, insomnia, palpitation. If any of these symptoms appear, they will pass off as the fast progresses, and undue importance need not be attached to any of them.

Coated tongue and bad taste. Both these are very common symptoms, and are indications that the work of cleansing the tissues of accumulated toxins is progressing.


When you break your fast after three or four days, you should take milk (fresh, unboiled) only for a whole day, sipping slowly a half-pint at two-hourly intervals during the day. The next day you should have the following food at five-hourly intervals :

Breakfast.�Juice of two oranges, grapes, and an apple (well masticated).

Midday.�Salad of lettuce, watercress, tomatoes, mustard and cress, grated raw carrot (dress with olive oil and lemon juice). Wholemeal toast (cold) and butter. A pear or an apple.

Evening Meal.�Steamed cabbage (or brussels sprouts, spring greens, savoy, etc.) and carrots, with stewed prunes, figs, or raisins as a second course.

After these two days you should take food in accordance with the suggestions contained in the treatment for your case in the practical section of the present book (Part II). If you have been advised to go on a fruit diet after the fast, the day on milk and day on special diet should be omitted.

SPECIAL NOTE.�To break an extended fast, the reader is referred to the treatment of fevers.

When on the all-fruit diet you should have three meals a day of fresh, juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, grape-fruit, oranges, pineapple, peaches, melon (or any other juicy fruit in season), but no bananas or dried, stewed, or tinned fruit, AND NO OTHER FOODSTUFF WHATEVER.

For drinks, lemon water unsweetened or water either hot or cold may be takennothing else. If any food�such as bread�is taken with the fruit meals, the whole value of the treatment will be lost.

If losing much weight on the all-fruit diet, those already underweight may add a glass of milk to each fruit meal.

SPECIAL NOTE.�See that all fruit is quite ripe before eating ; unripe or sour fruit is no good at all.

For the fruit and milk diet the meals are exactly the same as for the all-fruit diet, but with milk added to each fruit meal. You begin with two pints the first day, and increase by half a pint daily up to four, five, or even six pints a day, according to how the milk agrees (or else in accordance with the special recommendations made in the treatment for your case). The milk should be fresh and unboiled, but may be slightly warmed if desired. It should be sipped very slowly, and may be taken between meals as well as at meal-time as required. It should be unpasteurised if possible.

The following diet, when the restricted diet is indicated in the treatment for your case, should be followed out for a period up to fourteen days :

Morning.�-Oranges, or orange and lemon juice, or grape-fruit. (Never use sugar for grape-fruit.)

Midday.�Salad (raw), composed of any of the vegetables in season, attractively prepared. Dressing should consist of olive oil and lemon juice�never ^tinegar. Dessert: raisins, prunes (soaked), figs, or dates.

Evening.�Raw salad, or one or two vegetables steamed in their own juices, such as spinach, cabbage, carrots, turnips, cauliflower, etc. Finish the evening meal with a few nuts or some sweet fruit such as apples, pears, plums, or cherries.

NOTE.�If bread or potatoes or other starchy food is taken, the effect of the diet will be lost. Nothing should be added to the above list if good results are desired. No drinks other than water should be taken. With regard to quantity, let your hunger be your guide.

When you begin on the full milk diet you have a glass of milk every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. the first day, a glass every hour and a half the next, and a glass every hour the third day. Then the quantity of milk can be gradually increased until you are taking a glass every half-hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., if such a quantity can be tolerated fairly comfortably. The milk should be fresh and unboiled, but may be slightly warmed in cold weather if desired. It should be sipped very slowly (through a straw is best). It is not desirable to have the milk too creamy ; some of the top cream should be skimmed off when the milk taken daily exceeds four pints. Milk should be unpasteurised if possible.

If constipation is very pronounced when on the full milk diet, up to a dozen dates or prunes may be eaten during the day to help on bowel action. In any case, drinks of fruit juices may be taken at intervals during the day, between the milk drinks.

When coming off the milk diet on to ordinary diet, the procedure should be as follows :

Have milk as usual up to 3 p.m., then have nothing up to 7 p.m., when a salad meal should be taken. Do the same the next day, and on the third day you may go straight on with the next diet as prescribed for you in the treatment for your case.

* While milk is scarce the best substitute for the milk diet is " Slippery Elm Food," a drink of which, unmalted, can be taken with fresh or dried milk and water every two hours during the day.


First Day 
Breakfast.�Juice of two oranges, grapes, and an apple.

Lunch.�Salad of lettuce, watercress, tomato, grated carrot and beetroot. Wholemeal toast (cold) and butter. A few raisins or dates.

Evening Meal.�Poached egg on steamed spinach, steamed carrots and celery. Baked apple.

Second Day
.�Soaked raisins, an orange. Glass of milk.

Lunch.�Raw vegetable salad made from as many salad vegetables as desired. Cottage cheese. Wholemeal bread and butter.

Evening Meal.�Steamed fish, any two steamed vegetables. Soaked dried fruit.

Third Day
�Fresh fruit salad. Glass of milk.

Lunch.�Lettuce, celery, banana, and date salad. Wholemeal bread and butter.

Evening Meal.�Lamb or mutton chop, or nut cutlets, with steamed cabbage, marrow, onion, or leeks. Stewed fruit.

Fourth Day 
Breakfast.�One raw juicy fruit in season, one sweet dried fruit.

Lunch.�Poached egg on spinach, baked potato in jacket, steamed greens. Baked apple.

Evening Meal.�Puree of vegetables. Salad of as many salad vegetables as desired, with wholemeal bread and butter.

Fifth Day
Breakfast.�An apple, a few soaked prunes, a glass of milk.

Lunch.�Salad of lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, and grated carrot, with chopped dates and seedless raisins. Wholemeal toast (cold) and butter. A pear or some grapes.

Evening Meal.�Buttered cauliflower, steamed carrots, baked potato in skin. Grated nuts, or grated cheese. Baked apple.

Sixth Day
�Half a grape-fruit, grapes, an apple. 

Lunch.�Raw vegetable salad, cottage cheese, wholemeal bread and butter. A few raisins, dates, or black figs.

Evening Meal.�Chicken, two or three steamed vegetables. Fruit.

Seventh Day 
�An orange, a few dates, a glass of milk.

Lunch.�Lettuce, cabbage, celery, and grated beetroot salad Wholemeal toast (cold) and butter. Ripe mashed banana.

Evening Meal.�Nut cutlets (or poached egg), steamed onions, marrow, leeks, turnips, or carrots. Fresh fruit salad.

NOTES ON THE FOREGOING DIET-CHART.�The midday and evening meals on any day may be reversed as desired, but it is not permissible to take the lunch for one day and the evening meal for another. Any vegetable mentioned on the diet-chart which is not in season may be substituted by any other suitable which is in season. Where chicken is mentioned, those who cannot afford it may have rabbit or lamb in its place.

All salads should have a dressing of either olive oil or lemon juice, or both. If both should happen to disagree, have nothing at all on the salad. Never use manufactured " salad creams," salad dressings, seasonings, sauces, etc. Use no vinegar either. Such things are very bad indeed, and completely spoil the value of a salad.*

Fruit should always be as ripe as possible; no sour, unripe fruit should ever be eaten.

Milk, where mentioned, should always be fresh and unboiled, but may be slightly warmed in cold weather if desired. Those under thirty (and those underweight) may have a glass of milk every morning with the fruit breakfast, if desired ; those over fifty (and those overweight) should have nothing but fresh fruit for breakfast (no dried fruit or milk at all), unless they are doing hard manual work. If milk disagrees in any particular case, it should be left out entirely from the dietary."}"

In the colder months a little vegetable soup�made by simmering fresh vegetables�may be taken occasionally before either the midday or evening meal. Never use potatoes, beans, peas, or lentils for this, and always cut the vegetables up very fine. It is advisable to take the soup from a quarter to half an hour before the meal, as liquid taken with meals tends to weaken the digestive juices.

Those who would like to have no cooked food at all�and they will derive great advantage by so doing�may substitute salad for cooked vegetables where mentioned on the chart, and either egg or cheese or nuts for meat, fish, etc.

Vegetarians should substitute either egg or cheese or nuts for flesh foods where mentioned on the diet chart.

Where stewed fruit is mentioned, this should always be stewed with either honey or Demerara sugar�never white sugar. Never use rhubarb or sour unripe fruit for stewing purposes�always use ripe fruit.

Those who are following the diet chart for purposes of cure should add nothing whatsoever to it; those, however, who are merely following the diet chart with the intention of increasing all-round general fitness, may add a little cream or egg-and-milk custard to the dessert course of the midday or evening meal three or four times weekly, if desired.

The following is a simplified dietary that can be followed during war-time food shortages in lieu of the full weekly diet plan outlined in this section :

Breakfast.�Fresh fruit as obtainable, or grated raw carrot or other raw salad-stuff; with prunes or other dried fruit if wished, or all-bran or other bran product. Milk to drink, or Bourn-vita or Ovaltine.

Midday.�Steamed or casseroled vegetables, as obtainable, potatoes always in skins when taken ; with either a poached or scrambled egg or grated cheese or fish or meat or a vegetarian savoury. Dessert: stewed fruit or a baked apple ; or jelly or junket.

Evening.�Good-sized raw salad, of any suitable ingredients obtain�able ; with wholewheat bread or crispbread and butter or margarine. Prunes or other dried fruit as dessert; or as for midday.

Those suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcer or colitis, may find it best to substitute Turog or Daren bread for full wholewheat bread at first, having this toasted and eaten cold. These patients may also find it advisable to have all cooked vegetables sieved at first. All patients, in view of the present fruit shortage, could have a vegetable drink at night flavoured with Marmite or Yeastrel, with advantage. (To make this, cut up vegetables finely, cover with water, bring to the boil, then simmer for an hour or so, and strain. Then add Marmite or Yeastrel as wished.

For winter salads, cabbage, sprouts, carrots, beetroot, turnip, etc., may fet used. All ingredients should be finely shredded or grated.

Those doing hard manual work may have dried fruit with the breakfast meal every morning, if desired; also milk.

Part 1. has covered from  The feeding of children to A week's menus for adults.

Part 2.hereWhen and what to drinkConstipation and its cure � The use of the enema or gravity doucheThe morning dry friction�The cold sitz-bath�The cold sponge�The Epsom salts bath�The hot and cold sitz-bath�Wet packs�Remedial exercises�Breathing exercises�Complications which may arise during treatment�Some rules for general living for those undertaking treatment.

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