

Let there be Light
Why Colour therapy is effective
By Christa Muths.
Introduction by Ivor Hughes



Introduction: Christa Muths: MA, B.Sc., M.Sc.

Memberships: New York Academy of Science - Philosophy of Science Association - Scientific and Medical Network (SMN), Green Spirit, I.L.A. (International Light Association) - N.F.S.H (National Federation of Spiritual Healers) Foundation of Shamanic Studies. 

Background: Christa was born in Hilden, Germany. She moved to England in1980. There she studied reflexology, holistic healing, light and colours, she also studied at the Psychic College in London and the SAGB (Spiritual Association of Great Britain). She also trained as a Jin Shin Jyutsu therapist (Acupressure). If that were not enough Christa went on to study Shamanism and trained in Mexico, Peru, Italy, Germany and Austria. She has also published 5 books in German, Italian, Polish and Korean. In English, and as a follow up to this article I recommend her booklet: �Healing with the Coherence of Light�, which is on sale through the website:

Christa is the founder and principal of espacio, International Institute for Holistic Studies, established in 1990, all the courses offered are accredited by the B.C.M.A (British Complementary Medical Association) she is also editor of espacio-time, which is an electronic magazine covering holistic issues. Contact details as follows: www.espacio-time or Tel. 004423-80366181, Fax: 004423-80771168.

Christa�s credentials are impressive. In the following article she deals with an ancient esoteric subject which is fundamental to all life forms. She has  cloaked it in the mantle of science; but has done that in a manner, both in the illustrative case history and in its range and depth which will be sure to appeal to lay person and the scientifically orientated Natural Practitioner in equal measure. As a system of healing it is fundamental to Classical Naturopathy. A timely reminder of our dependence on the beneficence of a beautiful and timeless Universe.

Let there be Light 
By Christa Muths

Light and Colours have always been of paramount importance throughout history in all aspects of life. For example:

To express status in clothes, buildings and art.

They also play an important role in the different religions worldwide. Colours either refer to a specific rank within a particular belief or indicate a particular religious phase, i.e. orange is worn by Buddhist monks and violet refers to the rank of bishop and cardinal in Catholicism.

Colour therapy is also a very ancient healing method, being used in all ancient cultures. The Egyptians for example used dyed cloth to cover the wounds and coloured crystals for healing purposes.

In modern times spectral analysis, a colour analysis of materials, has been used primarily for industrial purposes. Colour carries information from its source and is therefore most valuable in the analysis of all material. Spectral analysis is also used in astronomy to verify mineral composition of stars.

The sun, which gives us not only light and colour but also energy has been worshipped in many cultures around the world as the bearer of life. Thus light and colours not only have a positive impact on all living life forms but are necessary for our survival: We eat sunlight. Eating brings the sun�s energy, absorbed by the growing plants and animals into our bodies.

Colours are the children of light, which means they occur when white light hits an object. Then light is:

(a) Mirrored or reflected (a white object reflects all photons)

(b) Swallowed or absorbed (a black object absorbs all photons)

(c) Passed through something (e.g. a window) or deflected or broken (by entering a different medium like water).

Light travels at a speed of 300,000 kilometres per second in a vacuum. This speed is reduced if light has to pass through a transparent medium, like glass or water. When light passes through water, its speed is slower than when it passes through air.

Plants, algae and some bacteria eat sunlight energy during photosynthesis and transform it into chemical energy (sugars & starches). This transformation process is the foundation of the whole splendidly diverse community of life on earth. Millions of years ago, enormous swamp-forests of tree-ferns and cycads were buried and gradually under pressure became the coal, oil and natural gas our civilization lives on today. We are living today on sunlight energy captured by plants a very long time ago.

All other living beings are light "suckers", directly or indirectly. Indirectly: down the food chain, through our intake of animal or plant food, which in turn has eaten other animals or plants. Directly: by the absorption of light through our own organs, such as eyes and skin, acupuncture points etc. Through the process of photosynthesis, the Sun�s energy and radiation is converted into chemical energy by plants and bacteria. Photosynthesis is one of the most significant reactions in nature and a prerequisite for what is generally described as life. Oxygen for breathing is formed by the process of photosynthesis - a process that was developed about 350 x 10 to the power of 9 years ago.

Light and Photons: Without light, there would be no life on Earth. The Sun is the greatest heat source and energy provider in our solar system. It emits a wide spectrum of visible and invisible energies and radiation, called the electromagnetic spectrum, that can enter into the Earth�s atmosphere to varying degrees. Electromagnetic radiation is classified according to wavelength. The shorter the wavelength, the more energy the photon, a light unit, contains.

The word photon is Greek and means light, it is a quantum of the electromagnetic field. Photons were originally called "energy quanta". They are elementary particles and their interactions with electrons and atomic nuclei account for a great many of the features of matter, such as the existence and stability of atoms, molecules, and solids.

Light has, and thus photons have a paradoxical, dual nature; it is both wave and particle at the same time. However, it is impossible to measure wave and particle at the same time with the type of instruments and equipment that are available at present; traditionally, the scientific methods used measure either one property or the other. Photons act according to the circumstances either as waves or as particles. They can act as particle, for instance when registered by the light sensitive device in a camera. In other respects, a photon acts like a wave, as when passing through the optics in a camera.

Normally, light is formed by a large number of photons, with the intensity or brightness related to the density in which they occur. A low density requires a very sensitive instrument, such as used in astronomy or spectroscopy, to detect individual photons.

Sunlight contains millions of photons of many different wavelengths, not all visible. Photons are packets of energy. A beam of sunlight contains large numbers of photons, each with its own energy. The intensity of a beam of light is a measure of the total energy that passes through an area of space in a unit of time. Ultraviolet radiation can give sunburn and infrared is felt as heat. The electromagnetic spectrum extends from a very short wavelength smaller than an atom to low energy radio waves with wavelengths of several hundred metres.

Photons of the visible light have wavelength between 400 � 700 nanometers and vibrate between 430 � 750 trillion (10 to the power of 12) cycles per second.

A nanometer is one billionth of a meter (10 to the power of �9), a micrometer is one thousandth of a millimetre (10 to the power of �3) and one millionth of a meter (10 to the power of �6)

Nowadays, single photons can be measured per minute, even per second. The value is expressed from 10 to the power of -19 up to 10 to the power of 16 watts per square centimetre. Daylight is about 10 to the power of 18 times more intense.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum:

Invisible spectrum � measured in Nanometer (nm):

- gamma radiation 0.00001 � 0.01 nm

- x rays 0.01 � 10 nm

- long wave UV light 10 -

- medium + short wave UV light 400 nm

Only five per cent of the emitted solar energy that enters the Earth�s atmosphere is ultraviolet (UV) light.

Visible spectrum:

- Violet 380 � 430 nm

- Blue 430 � 490 nm

- Green 490 � 560 nm

- yellow-orange 560 � 630 nm

- red 670 � 760 nm


Invisible spectrum � measured in micrometers (�m):

- Short wave infrared rays which commence from end of visible light

- Infrared rays which are up to 1 mm

- Microwaves which are long low energy waves from 1mm to 30 cm.

- radio waves are very low energy, long waves from less than a cm to hundreds of meters

The infrared spectrum includes thermal radiation � the wavelength radiated by the surface of the Earth and by living creatures. All radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum influence all living beings.

Light and Biochemical Processes: The human body is the greatest marvel in nature. Our hearts beats 100,000 times every day, we take over 25,000 breaths a day, and every second 10 million of our cells die and are replaced by new ones. How is this exact timing possible?

The pancreas replaces most of its cells every 24 hours; the cells of the stomach lining are reproduced every three days, white blood cells are renewed every 10 days, new skin every four weeks; and even bones can regenerate themselves. Our body renews itself completely, almost 100 % every four years, on the atomic level. In order to replace the dead cells, our body extracts nutrition from the food offered and knows with amazing accuracy to absorb exactly the substances its needs. So how can this process of sub-molecular precision occur even when we eat irregularly or when our bodies do not get sufficient amounts of the correct building blocks such as vitamins, enzymes and amino acids?

Only very recently modern sciences was able to verify that all of the complex bio chemical processes in our bodies are controlled by light. Our bodies seems to possess a dense material shape that is clearly defined. However, on the atomic level we are somebody different every second! Most of our approximately 100 billion cells are constantly replacing themselves. Even our DNA is subject to a continuous regeneration programme. A DNA is a nucleic acid and contains the genetic instructions specifying the biological development of all cellular forms of life and many viruses. The way in which DNA encodes all the properties of an organism is called the genetic code. During reproduction, DNA is replicated and transmitted to the offspring.

An innovative answer to all these questions about the exact timing of how our cells work and keep the organism together came in 1975 from a laboratory in Kaiserslautern. The German physicist and bio-chemist Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp was able to demonstrate an ultra-weak cell luminescence, which he called biophoton emission. According to Popp, the key to the elementary code of life, the communication between all forms of life, the control factor of the biological organism, is simply light.

Biophotons, Popp observed, behave like a laser as message transmitters and serve to control biochemical processes. It has been demonstrated that no biochemical reaction at a molecular level is capable of managing such a transmission of information in such a short time frame.

To begin with, these revolutionary results were declared as metaphysical and thus considered to be unscientific. However, despite the ridicule from mainstream science, some worldwide research teams are actually working in this area. And the results of biophoton emission research are being used in industry and medicine, and especially in the wellness movement. I am integrating these revolutionary, proven results regarding the coherence and meaning of light in our cells in my therapeutic work with colour.

Thanks to high-frequency photography, which was developed in the 1950s, it is possible to show that not just the stars radiate but so too do human bodies. Kirlian photography was developed by the Russian couple Kirlian and Krisanowa between the years 1939 - 1958. Thanks to this method, the aura could be demonstrated to Western awareness for the very first time; the concepts of subtle energies, auras and meridians had already been long established in China and India and in some other ancient cultures.

A recently published study shows, for the first time, evidence of the existence of the acupuncture meridian structure in the human body. After moxibustion (or similar light stimulation) of the body in the 35 �m range, "light channels" appear on the body, which appear to be identical to what are known as meridians in all textbooks of Traditional Chinese Medicine. These findings appear not only to confirm the existence of acupuncture meridians, but they also open a new window on understanding the energy transfer dynamics of the human body. Furthermore, it is likely that living matter is not in the ground state, but permanently electronically excited.

Light and Atoms: Photons also play a crucial role in the atom. The model of the atom was developed by Rutherford in 1911, and it has turned out to be the basis for our modern understanding of atomic structure and photons, even if this model is no longer regarded as correct by many quantum physicists. Electrons spin in orbit around the atomic nucleus in a similar way to planets spinning or rotating as they revolve around the sun. The protons of the nucleus are positively charged and the electrons are negatively charged. When a photon hits an electron, it propels the electron onto the next outer and energetically higher orbit or plane. The electron will move on this plane for as long as it can maintain the new energy given to it by the photon. It then jumps back to its old plane, emitting energy during this process in the form of radiation measured in photons . The energy of photons is measured in electro volts (eV). This is the amount of energy gained by the electron or particle running through a voltage difference with a charge of one volt.

Nobel Prize-winner Niels Bohr designed a new model of the atom in 1913. In this model, which is still the most widely known today, the electrons spin around the nucleus in stable orbits. The whole idea of an orbit depends on classical physics, whereas the idea of electrons corresponding to fixed amounts of energy levels comes from quantum theory.

The most modern understanding of the atom it that it is embedded in an electromagnetic field. A 3D animation would beautifully demonstrate the vibrating atom and its electrons. (see: The electron is simply something that moves outside the nucleus and has a certain amount of energy and other properties. It still moves in mysterious ways beyond the understanding of most modern physicists.

The rather static models of Rutherford and Bohr were in their time revolutionary and are still the models predominantly being taught in our schools today. However, it makes a substantial difference whether the world is understood as moving in static orbits or is seen as being embedded in an electromagnetic vibration field, which adapts to its surroundings.

The crucial difference lies in understanding that the movements of the vibration and wave model cannot be calculated exactly but have to be conceived of as a process and in constant motion. All states are possible at all times, and situations can only be predicted with probability. According to our current understanding, they are never exactly calculable and determinable.

The mass of an atom�s nucleus and electrons make up altogether only 0.000000000001 per cent; and the remaining 99,999999999999 per cent is free space.

This corresponds exactly to the distribution of planets and stars in relation to free space in the universe.

Light as carrier of information: Light not only transmits energy, it is also a source of information and a carrier of information. It carries the signature of its source. "Every chemical element leaves a characteristic finger print in its spectrum of light." This knowledge has been used by  industry for many decades. One application, spectral analysis, is an important method for identifying and testing atoms and molecules. In spectral analysis, green stems from oxygen, whereas blue and violet colours indicate the existence of nitrogen atoms.

Even the number of photons can be estimated in the observable cosmos: approximately 10 times to the power of 89 - a billion times more than the number of estimated atoms.

The more vital or healthy a body is, the longer an electron can store light, the energy of the photon. That means that the electron can move longer on the outer orbit, thus allowing the atom, the cell, the organ and the entire organism to react more flexibly by adjusting to any modifications. The more vital a system, the more intense is the motion of the photons and the stronger the photon emission will be and the longer it will be possible to store light in the cells. However, photon emission is very weak and can only be demonstrated with much effort and at a very high cost.

Popp scientifically proved that free range eggs have a significantly higher capacity to store light than eggs from chickens kept in battery cages. The same difference is also evident in organically grown tomatoes compared to greenhouse grown tomatoes. Frozen food radiates less (and more irregular) vitality than fresh food; so do potatoes treated with artificial fertiliser, compared with those that are organically grown. Any form of manipulation, including the use of pesticides, has a negative impact on the initial electromagnetic state of food and its photon emission.

The biophoton theory is based on an interaction of cause and effect that is not linear or target-orientated, as understood by modern science, but instead fulfils its "purpose" by acting and reacting in a cooperative way.

DNA and RNA have an inbuilt ability to repair themselves. Research into the self-repair mechanism of DNA and RNA has shown that the repair enzymes of DNA and RNA can only work in the presence of UV light. This is why this process is called photo repair. In experiments, laboratory animals that were kept under light, that had the UV part of the light spectrum removed, developed serious illnesses.

Light and a holonic Model of Man: We have seen that all life depends on the sun and its energy and also how deeply the photon emission of a sunbeam affects our being to the inner core: to the atomic level. Thus we are all deeply affected by light: from the atomic level to the DNA in our cells, the sunlight which is giving us life.

We all know that all living organism do not consist solely of solid material bodies but also of a number of field like dimensions. Marco Bischof has recently developed a new model which tries holistically to incorporate all the different levels of the human visible and invisible body:

1. The solid-physical body, the "Objective Anatomy" of man

2. The fluid-colloid (liquid crystalline) body of the primitive, non-specific systems and regulations,

3. The tensegrety-matrix body of the interconnected fibre networks,

4. The bioplasmatic body,

5. The electromagnetic field-body, and

6. The non-electromagnetic field body.

For a true holistic model he also included the levels of the "Subjective Anatomy", consisting of the various dimensions of the

7. "experienced body" (such as somatic unconsciousness, sensate body, mental body, emotional body, dream body, etc.) and

8. the innermost core of our existence, the self.

I would like to add here another dimension, the soul, which expresses itself through all different of the field dimensions and which at the same time is an active part of all the dimensions of the human visible and invisible body. This model not only encompasses the received view of the solid body but also, as we have seen, additional field bodies. The close union of humans and living creatures with those fields confers completely novel properties and also a new character to the solid body itself, which includes its relationship to light.

A holon (from the Greek holes = whole and on = entity) is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. A holon therefore refers to a system (or phenomenon) that is a whole in itself, as well as a part of a larger system. It can therefore be seen as a system nested within each other. Every system can be considered as a holon, right down from subatomic particles up to the universe as a whole.

A holonic understanding of life looks at a network of systems and information flows.

The Tensegrity Matrix explains the complex interrelationship of all the structural components of the body. It extends the basic concept of the tissue response to injury, beyond the level of joint, muscle and ligament, to include all structures of the body as potential sources of dysfunction.

The body tissues are composed of interconnected tension icosahedra (complex triangular trusses), which inherently provide a balance between stability and mobility. This structural model explains many of the observed phenomena related to body support, movement, response to stress and trauma, as well as the effects of various therapeutic interventions. This theory has been verified by several studies in recent years. According to Ingber, a key investigator who has proven the existence of this structural model at the cellular level:

"The principles of tensegrity apply at essentially every detectable size scale in the human body. At the macroscopic level, the 206 bones that constitute our skeleton are pulled up against the force of gravity and stabilized in a vertical form by the pull of tensile muscles, tendons and ligaments. In other words, in the complex tensegrity structure inside every one of us, bones are the compression struts, and muscles, tendons and ligaments are the tension-bearing members."

The physical, visible body is the part of the human body that we can see and touch, the one with which we are familiarized. The bioplasmatic body is the body made of invisible luminous energy that interpenetrates the physical body and extends itself beyond the physical body for about 10 to 13 centimetres. (3 1/2 to 4 1/2 inches). This for most people invisible field can be seen by psychics and they call it the aura.

Each of the different levels in this model has its own special relationship to light: the "outer light" of physics and biology and the "inner light" of consciousness and spiritual experience. The soul also has a special connection to light and where this connection has been lost or blocked we speak of the darker sides of people.

This model including the soul reflects our holonic embedded existence of us, mankind not only within the ecosystem of this world but also within our galaxy and the universe.


The Network: Light, DNA and the Universe:

We have seen that light is at the basis of our existence but science now adds another, even further reaching dimension to it: The physicist Matti Pitk�nen has recently been able to verify that our DNA not only produces protein but also communicates within the universe by using light. Our DNA is able to create magnetized wormholes through these they can communicate with higher dimensions. This communication is non-linear, meaning it does not follow our logical understanding and reasoning and it is immediate, thus space-time free.

This process is also called hyper-communication and works through a network of different levels of consciousness. This communication does not serve a special, limited purpose but just like the Internet DNA puts its own data into this higher dimensional network, and can call upon data from this network and also establish direct contact to another member of this network. The DNA can therefore have its own homepage, can surf in the higher dimensional network and can also chat with other members.

Hyper-communication is therefore the first scientifically proven interface between different forms of intelligence and dimensions which networked and connected with each other. It also verifies that we all leave something like an energetic fingerprint within the universe (Phantom-DNA-Effect). The biologist Rupert Sheldrake hypothesized, in his theory about the morpho genetic fields that every human, every living entity, leaves an invisible trace of its existence. The Russian researcher Pjotr Garjajev was the first to scientifically verify this theory.

It seems that science will soon be able to establish a connection, which has been assumed for a while, between gravity and consciousness. It seems that gravity and consciousness are opposite poles.

A most important effect of hyper communication is group consciousness, which makes it possible to treat individuals of a certain human or animal groups together as one. The possibilities of understanding of human learning now appear unlimited.

As we have seen our body absorbs light from our surroundings, stores light in its cells and the DNA and also emits light. Most of the light we absorb is stored in the DNA, thus the DNA is the photon richest organ. Through its characteristic form, the double helix, it acts as a huge electromagnetic antenna. It stores electric and magnetic radiation which causes the DNA to oscillate. Its loss of oscillation is very, very low and that means we have in our bodies a technical high performance microchip with 3 gigabyte store capability, which can work in normal temperature.

The ability to store light and information in the DNA is made possible through a special lightwave, called the Soliton-Lightwave, which is wrapped around the DNA and the ERP-Paradox. The Soliton-Lightwave is a non-linear wave form which follows very complicated processes (Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Grit) Soliton waves exist for very long spans of time and hardly change their form. They are ideal for storing information for a long time and transporting it across vast distances.

The EPR-Paradox (Einstein-Podolski-Rosen-Paradox) states that 2 particles, which were together at one time but are now separated, stay always in connection with each other. A change in one of the particles immediately causes changes in the separated particles, even when they are lightyears apart. (twinphotons)

DNA communication is therefore non-local, it can communicate with other information far a field, even in the universe, without space-time limitations and in zero time.

Biological systems are open systems, which means that they can change at any time and stabilise themselves at any time. The DNA has an incredibly high information level, which is million times higher than is technically possible today. It has a volume of 10 to the power of 9 cubic centimetre per cell to absorb and store light. This volume gives us a molecule, which is two meters long in the most complex and clever way. In these two meters the DNA has 10 to the power of 10 base pairs. Straightening the DNA out, each person has a total DNA of 10 to the power of 13 kilometres, which equals the radius of our planetary system. This extremely high density on the molecular and also physical level is a phenomenon which cannot be replicated in today�s physics or technological knowledge.

Communication turns out to be one of our most basic abilities; i.e., communication within the system as well as communication with the outside. The aim is to counteract entropy, therefore loss of structure, chaos, a state of high disorder, so as to create and maintain a state of excitement, stability, field coherence.

Light- and Colour therapy: How does this light communication on all levels fit in our understanding of health and illness?

A high level of light-order within the body enables an more or less undisturbed flow of information and communication. This in turn maintains the metabolism as well as all other life processes. The building and depletion of cells, the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids as well as the flow of neurotransmitters and the entire cell metabolism all work on an extremely rapid transfer of information that can only be achieved by light transmission.

Woking with light and colour will therefore influences not only our well being on all levels but also support the DNA function to communicate with different dimensions and higher intelligence.

Nowadays light and colours are used in ophthalmology, dentistry, accident treatment, all wound healing, SAD, and high blood pressure. The English and German football teams use full spectrum light to heal injuries. As it can co-ordinate both brain sides, it is used for example in autism, dyslexia, Aspergers syndrome, etc.

Light and Colours balances the autonomic nervous system, regulates neurohormonal and neurendocrine functioning, and reveals deeper underlying musculoskeletal problems in chiropractic, balances the subtle energy system, enhances deep psychotherapy, aid in education and neurological rehabilitation and also assist in spiritual evolution.

Light and Colours can be used in treating diseases like depression in general and winter depression (SAD) especially. It also is very effective in treating animals. Light and colour therapy is therefore effective and supports deep healing in all areas of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well being.

Lack of energy and blockages are signs of disturbance in the flow or process of life. This disturbance can occur on all levels, whether atomic particle or cell, organ or psyche. Hence any disease can be interpreted as a manifestation of a loss of information and communication within the body!

In colour therapy we work therefore on all levels, from the solid physical body to the innermost core of our existence, our Self and the soul and of course, vice versa.

Every colour has 9 specific characteristics or elements, which are effective on the following levels:

1. The physical or material element;
2. The psychological element;
3. Harmonising and connecting element;
4. Vital, energy-emitting element;
5. Communicating and healing element;
6. The intuitive and stimulating elements;
7. A coherent connecting element to the light source;
8. An integrating and expanding element to the next level of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and cosmic understanding;
9. The spiritual element of a higher consciousness; a connection to different dimensions and higher intelligence.

When working with light and colours, we therefore communicate with all levels of body, mind, spirit and soul and activate the healing power on all levels of the being. We open all our senses to take in the information colour provides to support deep healing, integration within body, mind and spirit, and to support the coherence and enhance the ability to communicate with different forms of consciousness and dimensions.

As colour therapist we apply light and colours in many different forms:

1. Wearing colours,
2. Using colours in our environment
3. Eating colours in our food
4. Breathing colour
5. Meditating with colours
6. Feeling, tasting and smelling colours
7. Bathing in colours
8. Colour radiation
9. Colour acupuncture
10. Feeling colours on the skin
11. Singing colours

There are colours which have a stimulating, energising and vibrant effect like red, orange and yellow and colours which have a soothing, calming and relaxing effect like green, blue and indigo.

Frequently I begin a session with establishing the colour awareness of the client: very often reddish-brown is perceived as red and a mustard colour as yellow and a light brown as orange. People who tend to like, see and wear clear colours tend to be clearer and more vital than people who prefer murky, shady and unclear colours. The more unclear and nebulous a person sees colours the more unclear and nebulous he sees himself and his interactions with his environment

Ophthalmologists are able to establish the emotional, intellectual and physical field of awareness and also the totality of awareness the person is operating from by a colour vision test called: Syntonic visual field test. This test shows which levels are low in energy and coherence and need support.

The overall aim is to support the inbuilt healing energy of the person, to enhance an understanding of the paramount importance of light and colour in our life, the integration of the right and left brain sides health and consciousness, the coherence of the information fields of the body.

Very soon clients begin to see and feel colours more clearly and this is always the beginning of a deep healing process. We work differently with every person: after establishing the level of clarity in which colours are perceived, depending on the problem, we work with radiation of light for example on wounds, eyes, all parts of the body, but also with acupuncture and meditation, feeling light and colour, breathing colour and at a later stage singing colour.

We have seen that light and colour affect the whole body, mind and spirit immediately, treatment in one area affects the whole organism in all its fields.

To demonstrate the effect of a session of light and colour therapy, I would like to present the following case study:

A woman in her early 40,s came for colour therapy. She was dressed in a brown-reddish suit, worked in top management of a national organisation, looked stressed out, had stomach problems, a constant heavy headache and also very tired eyes. As she was very interested in complementary medicine, she frequently visited an acupuncturist, a homeopathic practitioner and also a massage therapist. Her symptoms improved after the treatments but always returned very quickly.

She told me about the stress of her work and being the only woman in her position, she was mocked at because of wearing such bright colour suits, whereas her colleagues wore dark colour suits. When I asked her what colour her suit was, she replied with utter surprise: bright red. I showed her bright red in a colour chart and she was very astonished at the difference in our perception. She worked out that she was obviously influenced by her very colour conservative environment.

We started by radiating green onto her head and neck, than using colour acupuncture against headaches. I asked her to breathe into neck and head, to breathe into the pain. She left very relaxed and was actually joking and laughing.

When she came back the following week, she wore a black skirt and a bright green blouse, a new outfit, she told me and she felt much better. We discussed that her brown-reddish suit was no good for her tensed body as the colour was reinforcing her underlying tension.

Again, I treated head and neck with colour radiation and acupuncture and started working with her stomach: also radiating it in green and blue and breathing into the pain. In her third session, she tried breathing colour into her head and stomach, which was very effective. She tried this at home every morning and every evening for a few minutes and when she came for her fourth session, she had calmed down considerably, the headaches were almost gone. The eyes were not dry anymore and only sometimes tired, they had started shining.

In the fourth session while she was breathing green into her stomach, I asked her to find an image of what was going on in her stomach. She immediately had the image of an old very rusty, disused and abandoned manufactory. I asked her whether she saw people working there. No, she answered, most of them had left, but a few men were lying around, being totally passive and exhausted.

When I asked her, what they wanted to do, she did not receive an answer, like they had given up already. I asked her to keep on breathing into her stomach, the old desolate manufactory and when breathing into the stomach to use different colours. For a while there was no reaction and than suddenly, some of the apathetic people seemed to wake up and started moving. I changed the colour lamp from blue to yellow and encouraged her to keep on breathing yellow into her stomach. The "stomach people" began to live again and to move around.

I told her to eat more yellow food, like yellow peppers, pineapple, yellow plums etc. to support the healing process. We repeated this treatment in another session and this time, the "stomach people" wanted to clean the desolate manufactory and get it going again. It took a few weeks until the manufactory was clean and working and then the picture disappeared and she was like a totally different person: lively, happy, active, loved going to work, took up riding as a hobby. Every year I get a Christmas card telling me that she is still doing well.

During our work together, she stopped visiting the other therapists, but now that we have finished treatment sessions, she tends to get additional support from them just before or after a very heavy week at work.

I hardly ever use only one form of application with a client, it is usually a combination of several or all in severe cases.

In my experience the level of experience and consciousness of the therapist is also an important factor during treatment. An impatient, strict, insecure or less experienced therapist will find it difficult to see or feel deeper underlying issues and can therefore not provide the right support for these to open up. Sometimes underlying issues open up spontaneously and a therapist needs to be able to deal with it in a relaxed and sympathetic manner.

The deeper a colour therapist understands the effects, information value and communication field of colours, the more he/she will be able to give support on a greater ranging level of consciousness.

If a therapist operates predominantly from the physical viewpoint and uses colour therapy just as an intervention like a pill which is to be swallowed, the effect of the therapy will focus more on the physical level of the client. A therapist who is able to operate from a deeper understanding of the soul, will be able to communicate through his/her own light field with the soul of the client and will therefore be able to chose a different kind of "treatment" and support. He/she might choose the same colours but the depth of the colour will be very different and will therefore affect the client in a much deeper way.



Light is the foundation of all life processes and at the same time part of it.

Light is Life and Life is Light.

Light is Information and Information is Light.

Light is Energy and Energy is Light.

Light has no time or space barriers/limitations.

Light is always Light, it does not change its form.

Light heals on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Light connects to higher consciousness and forms of intelligence.

Light communicates within the body, with the environment, the world and the universe.


� Christa Muths 2005. All rights reserved.

Bischof, Marco: Biophotons, Frankfurt 1995
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