


Aloe Picture, flower and seedsAloes.sp.
Martindales 24th Edition
Edited by
Ivor Hughes


The solid residue obtained by evaporating the liquid which drains fromthe cut leaves of various species of Aloe (Liliaceae) it  is known in commerce as Cape or Curacao (Barbados) aloes. It contains barbaloin,  a yellow crystalline glycoside.

Foreign Pharmacopeias: In all pharmacopeias examined except Chin. and  Mex. U.S. allows also Socotrine aloes. 

Cape aloes occurs in dark brown, or greenish brown, glassy masses, thin  fragments of which are transparent and exhibit a yellowish, reddish-brown, or  greenish tinge; it breaks with a clean glassy fracture and has a distinctive, somewhat acid odour. Curacao aloes occurs as dark, chocolate-brown, opaque  masses with a dull waxy fracture; it has a characteristic penetrating odour.  Socotrine aloes occurs as nearly black opaque masses with an uneven porous  fracture and an unpleasant cheesy odour. Zanzibar aloes occurs as  livery-brown masses with a nearly smooth slightly porous fracture and a slight  odour. Cape and Curacao aloes are almost entirely soluble in alcohol (60%).

Uses. Aloes is a cathartic producing a motion 6 to 12 hours after  administration. As it is intensely bitter it is usually given in pills or  tablets. Moderate doses are laxative but owing to their tendency to cause  griping they are commonly combined with belladonna or carminatives. Since aloes  does not lose its efficacy on continued use it is a useful medicament in the  treatment of chronic constipation. The action of aloes on the large intestine  causes some pelvic congestion and it should not be used by pregnant or nursing  women, or where there is intestinal irritation.

Dec. Aloes Co. (B.P.C. 1949)
. Compound Decoction of Aloes. Prepared from  aloes 10 g., myrrh 5 g., potassium carbonate 5 g., extract of liquorice 40 g.,  compound tincture of cardamom 300 ml., water to 1000 ml.
Dose: 15 to 60  ml. (1/2 to 2fl oz.)

Dec. Aloes Co. Conc. (B.P.C. 1949). Concentrated Compound Decoction of  Aloes. Prepared from aloes 40 g., myrrh 20 g., potassium carbonate 20 g.,  extract of liquorice 160 g., cochineal 12 g. cardamom seed 15 g.,cinnamon oil  0.3 mI., caraway oil 0.4 mI., alcohol (90%) 150 ml., water to 1000 ml.
Dose: 4 to 15 ml. (60 to 240 minims)

Diluted with 3 times its volume of water, it yields a preparation  approximately equivalent in strength to compound decoction of aloes but contains  a smaller proportion of alcohol.

Ext. Aloes (B.P.C. 1949, Ind. P.). Extract of Aloes. The dried aqueous  extract. Protect from moisture.
Dose: 60 to 250 mg.(1 to 4 grains)

Pil. Aloes (B.P. 1948, N.F. 1952).
Pill of Aloes. Aloes 58 g., hard soap  29 g. caraway oil 3 ml., and syrup of liquid glucose sufficient to form a mass  of suitable consistence. 4-grain pills are usually dispensed.
Dose: 250  to 500 mg. (4 to 8 grains)

Pil. Aloes et Asafoet. (B.P.C. 1949). Pills of Aloes and Asafetida.  Aloes, asafetida, and hard soap, of each; 1/6 gr . massed with syrup of liquid  glucose.
Dose: 1 or 2 pills.

Pil. Aloes et Ferr. (B.P.C. 1949). Pills of Aloes and Iron. Aloes 4/5 gr  exsiccated ferrous sulphate 2/5 gr., cinnamon 1/2 gr., cardamom seed 1/2 gr.,  and ginger � gr massed with syrup of liquid glucose.
Dose: 1 or 2 pills.

Pil. Aloes et Myrrh. (B.P.C. 1949). Pills of Aloes and Myrrh; pit. Rufi;  Rufus Pills. Aloes 2 gr. and myrrh 1 gr., massed with syrup of liquid glucose.
Dose: 1 or 2 pills.

Pills of Aloes and Nux Vomica (B.P.C., N.F. 1952). Pil. Aloes et Nuc.Vom.  Aloes 2 gr., dry extract of nux vomica 1/4 gr., and dry extract of belladonna  1/6gr.
Dose:1 or 2 pills.

Pulv. Aloes et Canell. (B.P.C. 1934)
Aloes and Canella Powder; Hiera  Picra. Aloes 4 and canella 1.
Dose: 200 to 600 mg. (3 to 10 grains}.

Tablets or Aloes and Nux Vomica (B.P.C.}.
Tab. Aloes et Nuc. Vom. (B.N.F.}.  Aloes 2 gr., dry extract of nux vomica 1/4 gr., and dry extract of belladonna  1/6gr.
Dose: 1 or 2 tablets.

Tinct. Aloes (B.P.C. 1949}.
Tincture of Aloes. Prepared from aloes 25 g.,  liquid extract of liquorice 150 ml., and alcohol (45%} to 1000 ml. Dose: 2 to 8 mI.  (30 to 120 minims).

